Chick-fil-A: Selling Chicken With a Side of God

S. Truett Cathy, the chain's late founder, consistently made business choices based on his Christian beliefs—and turned a humble sandwich into a religious symbol.

In visiting Chick-fil-A's headquarters, which are tucked among the trees on a large plot of wooded land outside of Atlanta, the first thing you'll probably notice, as I did when I visited in the fall of 2011, is the Jesus statue. It's probably three or four feet tall and depicts Jesus washing the feet of a disciple—"a symbol of servant leadership," said a spokesperson. Other religious artwork is on display in the large atrium at the entrance of the building, including Bible quotes and crosses. There is also a fleet of pristine, extremely expensive-looking cars, with a row of model T's and a reproduction of the Batmobile. 

This combination of Christian symbolism and display of extreme wealth is a fitting metaphor for the way S. Truett Cathy, the company's late founder, ran his company. Since he opened his first chicken-sandwich stand in an Atlanta mall in 1967, Cathy openly incorporated Christianity into his business, from putting Bible quotes on the styrofoam sweet-tea cups to closing the entire chain on Sundays. He has also made billions of dollars, which explains the decorative sports cars.

On Monday, Cathy died at the age of 93. He was involved in the day-to-day operations of the company well into his 80s; his son Dan is now the president and chairman. Before he died, he created a contract with his children stating that the company should never go public; theoretically, transferring ownership out of the family could jeopardize the business's overtly religious mission statement "to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us" and "to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."

In 2012, the company was involved in a controversy over its donations to organizations that opposed gay marriage and advocated the passage of Proposition 8 in California, a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. At the time, Cathy's son, Dan, told the Baptist Press that Chick-fil-A was unashamed of its opposition to same-sex marriage and support of "traditional family values": "We are very much supportive of the family—the biblical definition of the family unit. ... We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives."

His comments were met with widespread protests, including calls to boycott the chain and a couple of college campuses canceling their vendor contracts with the company. Eventually, Chick-fil-A decided to stop making political donations to groups involved with the issue, saying its "intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena."

One of the most interesting questions this incident raised was the degree to which people should bring their consumption in line with their religious and political values. Some people saw Chick-fil-A's chicken sandwiches as more than just chicken sandwiches: They were symbols of a conservative ideological position. In buying those sandwiches, some objectors said, people were tacitly supporting the Cathy family's views on homosexuality—and, more importantly, helping them fund opponents of same-sex marriage. On the other hand, this perspective suggested that it's good for people to self-segregate into ideological camps in all spheres of life, even when making basic purchases; as Jonathan Merritt wrote in The Atlantic at the time, "in a society that desperately needs healthy public dialogue, we must resist creating a culture in which consumers sort through all their purchases (fast food and otherwise) for an underlying politics not even expressed in the nature of the product itself."

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Emma Green is the assistant managing editor of, where she also writes about religion and culture.

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