Charley Kline

Charley KlineName: Charley S. Kline

Born: Unknown

Computer related contributions

  • Consultant on Internet technologies, software patents, business strategies and network security
  • Angel investor and advisor for startup companies
  • Senior technologist and product line manager at Cisco Systems
  • Previously he worked with Vint Cerf, Steve Crocker, Jon Postel and Len Kleinrock on the development of the ARPANET and Internet
  • Sent test transmissions between the computer at UCLA and the first Interface Message Processor (IMP) to develop the earliest protocols (1969)
  • Attempted to remotely access the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) computer and sent the first letters of the word 'LOGIN' setting off Computer Networking (1969)


"I was 21 and a programmer who liked to program all hours of the day and night"

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