Friday Updates on New York’s First Ebola Case

A letter carrier, wearing a mask and gloves, delivered the mail on Friday to the Harlem building where the Ebola patient Craig Spencer lives.Credit Tina Fineberg for The New York Times

Updated 8:36 p.m.

Medical personnel and other travelers returning to New York or New Jersey from some West African nations and who had direct contact with Ebola victims will be quarantined, officials said.

On Friday afternoon, officials said, an American health-care worker returning to Newark Liberty International Airport after treating Ebola patients in West Africa was ordered quarantined upon arrival.

She had no symptoms at the time, but by evening had developed a fever.

The quarantine policy comes the day after a doctor in New York City who recently returned from treating Ebola patients in Africa became the first person in the city to test positive for the virus, setting off an urgent effort to try and contain the spread — and fear — of the deadly disease.

The doctor, Craig Spencer, went about his normal life in the city, including traveling on the subway, until he contracted a fever on Thursday morning.

Also, three people who had contact with Dr. Spencer have been quarantined — his fiancée and two friends.

These updates are done for the day, but if news breaks, we will be back.

8:22 P.M. Nurse Quarantined in New Jersey Has a Fever

The nurse who was ordered quarantined upon arrival from Africa at Newark Liberty International Airport on Friday is running a fever, New Jersey health officials said.

The woman, an American who has not been identified, had treated Ebola patients in West Africa. When she landed, officials said, she had no symptoms.

But she developed a fever in the evening, the state Health Department said in a statement, and is now in isolation and being evaluated at University Hospital in Newark.

6:07 P.M. New York State Opens Phone Line for Ebola Questions

New Yorkers with public-health questions about Ebola can call 800-861-2280 and speak to a live operator, Governor Cuomo said. The phone line went live today.

For medical attention, you should still call 911, Mr. Cuomo said.

5:53 P.M. Unsettling Subway Reading

5:05 P.M. Cuomo Chides Ebola Patient

Governor Cuomo chided Dr. Spencer, who left Guinea on Oct. 14 and landed in New York Oct. 17, for not choosing to quarantine himself.

“He didn’t follow the guidelines for the quarantine — let’s be honest,” Mr. Cuomo said. “It’s too serious a situation to leave it to the honor system.”

Doctors Without Borders, for whom Dr. Spencer was working in Guinea, said that he had followed all of its protocols, including closely monitoring his health and immediately reporting any symptoms.

Federal guidelines do not require automatic quarantine for returning workers who show no symptoms. But Mr. Cuomo said that they were not stringent enough given the potential problems if someone with Ebola were, for instance, to ride the subway in New York. (Dr. Spencer rode the subway on Wednesday, but is not believed to have been contagious then.)

“This region is a little different than most places,” Mr. Cuomo said. “It’s more dense. It’s a little higher pressure. And Governor Christie and I believe that in this area, we need guidelines and procedures that go further.”

Mr. Cuomo said of the concept of voluntary quarantine, “It’s almost an oxymoron to me.”


4:44 P.M. New York and New Jersey Will Quarantine Medical Workers

Medical personnel and other travelers returning from Ebola-stricken countries to New York or New Jersey will be automatically quarantined, officials said Friday afternoon.

The announcement came on the heels of news that an American health care worker who had had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa was quarantined upon arriving at Newark Liberty International Airport.

In a joint news conference with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York at 7 World Trade Center, Gov. Chris Christie said, “We believe quarantine is the right way to go,” even though the woman had no symptoms.

Mr. Cuomo added, “This is not the time to take chances.”

Mr. Cuomo said the States of New York and New Jersey had decided to increase screening of travelers arriving from foreign countries.

He said an interview and screening process would be used to assess an individual’s risk, based on where they were traveling from and their level of exposure to Ebola.

Some travelers could be required to be quarantined for 21 days, and others would be medically monitored.

“I spoke to the C.D.C, the C.D.C. understands that states have the ability to increase the guidelines,” Mr. Cuomo said, “and that’s what we’re doing.”


4:32 P.M. Report: Woman Quarantined After Newark Landing

A woman who arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport after having contact with Ebola patients in West Africa has been quarantined by New Jersey officials, according to The Record newspaper in northern New Jersey.

The woman, an American health care worker who was in Sierra Leone, did not show symptoms, but was quarantined because she said she had had contact with people who died of the disease, The Record reported. She said she wore protective equipment during the interactions.

4:20 P.M. City Issues Timeline of Ebola Patient’s Activities

4:18 P.M. An Embrace Meant to Soothe a Nation

With Americans gripped by fears of Ebola spreading to major cities, President Obama took the opportunity on Friday to invite Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse who had just been released from the hospital after being pronounced clear of the virus, to the White House – and to enfold her, surrounded by news photographers, in a carefully choreographed Oval Office embrace. More on First Draft.


3:53 P.M. Video: Dallas Nurse Cleared of Ebola Speaks

Credit Alex Wong/Getty Images

Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse infected while treating a dying Ebola patient, spoke to reporters on Friday outside the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md., after being given a clean bill of health.

3:25 P.M. Coffee and Muffins, Hold the Fear

The Blue Bottle, a cafe in a former loading bay in the shadow of the High Line that Dr. Spencer visited before contracting a fever, was allowed to reopen on Friday after clearing a city inspection.

Friday afternoon, a half-dozen people were having coffee and muffins and chatting without obvious anxiety.

Geoff Gandry, 29, a film production assistant, said, “It takes a lot to catch the disease and I’m not going to live my life scared.”

He said he had heard that Dr. Spencer had ridden the A and L trains. “I’ll take them all,” he said. “I’m just not that worried.”


3:19 P.M. Mayor Rides the Subway

2:07 P.M. Safe to Hug

2:04 P.M. Nurse Infected by Dallas Patient Is Free of Virus

Emory University Hospital in Atlanta announced Friday that Amber Vinson, a nurse infected with Ebola while treating a Liberian patient, “is making good progress” and said that “tests no longer detect virus in her blood.”

Ms. Vinson is still hospitalized at Emory for “supportive care,” a spokesman said. There is no date scheduled for her discharge.

Emory confirmed the improvement to Ms. Vinson’s health as the National Institutes of Health was releasing Nina Pham, the other Dallas nurse infected with Ebola, from its clinical center in Bethesda after declaring her free of the virus infection.

Both nurses were infected while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man who was diagnosed with Ebola in Dallas and died from the infection.


1:30 P.M. Bellevue Ebola Workers Are Allowed to Go Home

The entrance of Bellevue Hospital Center, where the Ebola patient is being held in isolation.Credit Joshua Bright for The New York Times

A reporter asked if the medical workers treating Dr. Spencer at Bellevue were allowed to leave at the end of their shifts.

Dr. Raju said they were, and that this was in line with protocols used effectively elsewhere in the country where Ebola patients have been treated.

The mayor’s news conference ended around 1:30 p.m.

1:13 P.M. ‘No Risk of Ebola’ at Bowling Alley

A doctor from the city’s health department, Don Weiss, stood with the Gutter’s owner, Todd Powers, in front of the bowling alley’s entrance at around 12:30 to declare that “there is no risk of Ebola here.”

Dr. Spencer visited the Gutter on Wednesday.

“We came to see that there was no exposure — meaning there was no bodily fluids that were here. We confirmed that,” Dr. Weiss said. “The place can reopen and we hope that people will come back.”

“They’ve been cooperating fully,” he said of the bowling alley’s management, adding that they had closed the venue voluntarily.

Mr. Powers said he would take the extra step of thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the Gutter. “Once that’s taken care of, we’ll open the doors to the public and we hope the mayor and governor come down and bowl,” he said. He did not specify when the cleaning crew would come or when the Gutter would reopen. Then he disappeared back under the metal gate, which closed behind him.

A police officer was later seen bringing a box of pizza to the door.


1:13 P.M. Restaurant Patient Visited Is Closed for Inspection

The Meatball Shop restaurant on Greenwich Avenue in the West Village, where Dr. Spencer ate, is closed and being evaluated by health officials for possible contamination, Mayor de Blasio said.

Two other establishments Dr. Spencer visited have been inspected and cleared to reopen: the Blue Bottle, a cafe in the shadow of the High Line, and the Gutter bowling alley in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

1:05 P.M. Patient Is Alert and Talking


Dr. Spencer is awake and has been talking to his family, officials said, but they declined to provide more details because of patient confidentiality laws.

“He’s talking, he’s talking on the cellphone to a lot of folks,” said Ram Raju, head of the city’s Health and Hospitals Corporation. Mayor de Blasio said Dr. Spencer had also spoken to health officials investigating his case.

Asked about Dr. Spencer’s treatment, Dr. Raju said, “I don’t want to go too deep into that. It’s basically supporting his electrolytes and fluid balance and making sure his vital signs are monitored.”

1:04 P.M. Patient’s Temperature Was Normal Wednesday Night

A reporter asked when Dr. Spencer last checked his temperature before Thursday morning, when, between 10 and 11 a.m. he found that he was running a fever of 100.3 degrees. Fever indicates the onset of the contagious stage of Ebola.

Dr. Bassett said that he had checked his temperature on Wednesday evening but that she did not know the precise time. Wednesday evening was when he took the subway and went bowling.

12:44 P.M. Ebola Patient Remains Stable

Dr. Spencer is in stable condition at Bellevue Hospital Center on Friday afternoon, the city’s health commissioner, Dr. Mary T. Bassett, said at the news conference.

“We are pleased that he continues to remain in stable condition,” she said.

She added a few details of his whereabouts. On Tuesday, when he first began experiencing symptoms of fatigue, he ate at the Meatball Shop, a restaurant with several locations, after visiting the High Line.

The Gutter bowling alley and club in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where Dr. Spencer bowled on Wednesday night and which closed on Thursday, has been visited by health officials and cleared to reopen, Dr. Bassett said.

12:42 P.M. Get a Flu Shot, Mayor Says

“Something that all New Yorkers should do,” Mr. de Blasio said: “ Get a flu shot.”

The flu, the mayor said, can cause fever, nausea and other symptoms that mimic those of Ebola, and send people unnecessarily to doctors and hospitals.

If, however, you or a loved one meets the qualifications for Ebola, the mayor said, “meaning, you have traveled to the three countries in West Africa that were afflicted, in the last 21 days” and are showing fever or other symptoms of Ebola, you should “call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room. Do not wait.”

12:32 P.M. ‘No Cause for Alarm,’ Mayor Says

Mayor Bill de Blasio was joined by Dr. Mary T. Bassett, New York City's health commissioner, center, and other local and federal officials at the news conference.Credit Josh Haner/The New York Times

“I want to repeat what I said last night: there is no cause for alarm,” Mayor de Blasio said as he began his news conference. “Ebola is an extremely hard disease to contract.”

He said that all necessary precautions were being taken and added, “There is no reason for New Yorkers to change their daily routine in any way.”

12:16 P.M. Ebola Vaccine Trials in the Works

Public health authorities said Friday they hoped to begin trials of Ebola vaccines in disease-ravaged West Africa as early as December.

They would know around April whether the vaccines were effective. If they were, it could clear the way for mass inoculations to stem the epidemic.

A vaccine was developed almost a decade ago but sat on the shelf — in part because Ebola is rare, and until now, outbreaks had infected only a few hundred people at a time, and in part because of a broader failure to produce medicines and vaccines for diseases that afflict poor countries.

Most drug companies have resisted spending the enormous sums needed to develop products useful mostly to countries with little ability to pay.


12:02 P.M. Map of Patient’s Travels in the City

The day before he came down with a fever on Thursday, Dr. Spencer traveled from Harlem to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on the subway, took a cab and visited the High Line.

See map.

Officials emphasize that Dr. Spencer was very unlikely to be contagious before Thursday.

11:54 A.M. Outside Dr. Spencer’s Apartment

Dr. Craig Spencer, 33, was a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders when he traveled to Guinea earlier this month to work with Ebola patients. He tested positive for the virus on Thursday and has been placed in isolation at Bellevue Hospital Center.

He is now in stable condition.

11:33 A.M. Texas Nurse Treated for Ebola to Be Released


In Maryland, a nurse who was infected with Ebola while caring for a Liberian patient in Dallas will be released from a hospital on Friday, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Federal health officials scheduled a news conference to discuss the discharge of Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse. She has been treated at the N.I.H. Clinical Center, in Bethesda, since Oct. 16, and is now free of the virus, officials said. – Michael Paulson

11:32 A.M. Mayor’s News Conference

Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city officials will be speaking from the Office of Emergency Management in Brooklyn. Along with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, the mayor also spoke at a news conference at Bellevue on Thursday night, seeking to reassure New Yorkers that there was no reason to be alarmed.