Can Genetics and Breeding Do for Cassava What They’ve Done For Corn?

Bill Gates spends a lot of his time probing the minds and work of researchers and analysts trying to solve the world’s biggest problems. The results often end up on his GatesNotes blog. His new post focuses on the plant genetics research of Edward S. Buckler, a U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher at Cornell.

Buckler was elected to the National Academy of Sciences this year for work that Cornell summarized this way:

Buckler uses genomics and statistical genetics to understand and dissect complex traits in maize, biofuel grasses, cassava and grapes. In the lab, he and colleagues exploit the natural diversity of plant genomes to identify sets of genes and single genes responsible for genetic variation. He is working to develop seeds for breeders and researchers to use to dissect complex traits, characterize genetic diversity and to understand such traits as drought tolerance, nitrogen use, basic development, carbon metabolism and vitamin A and E content.

Gates’s post focuses on efforts by Buckler and others to do for cassava, a keystone crop in tropical Africa, what’s been done for corn. (Cassava, originally from Brazil, is also known as manioc and tapioca.)

Here’s a video produced by Gates’s team, along with an excerpt from his post describing his visit to Buckler’s lab:

The advances they’re working on will change people’s lives by dramatically accelerating a process that is now slow and laborious.

Here’s how it works today. Suppose you want a variety of corn with a natural resistance to a certain pest. You start by planting as much corn as you can. You wait 8 to 12 weeks for it to grow, and then you take pollen from some of the plants that aren’t infested and use it to pollinate others. If the offspring of those plants is pest-resistant, you’re in luck—your plant won the genetic lottery. If not, you have to start over. Because you’re limited by the growing season, the process can take seven to ten years.

Bill Gates tries his hand at cross pollinating wheat during a visit to Cornell University.Credit Robert Barker / Cornell

Genetics research will cut that time in half.

Getting there takes three steps. One is to understand the crop’s genetic makeup. Ed took me on a short tour of a lab where machines called sequencers were analyzing DNA from thousands of plants. They were mapping the genes that give each plant its physical traits: its height, color, etc.

The second step is to go into the field and record those physical traits for each individual plant whose genes you’re studying. Cornell researchers are growing hundreds of acres of corn and other crops not far from campus, and they make regular treks out there to collect data. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time for a field trip on this visit.

Finally, you build a computer model that puts the two together—the genetic maps of individual plants, along with the data about their physical traits. Once you have that model, you no longer need to cross two plants and just hope for the best. You can ask the computer, “Out of all the plants I have in my field, which two should I breed in order to produce one that is pest-resistant?” Think of it as a highly sophisticated for plants.

Cornell and the USDA have already built such a model for some traits in corn; because people in rich countries eat corn, there’s a big market for better varieties. Meanwhile, crops that are eaten mostly by the poor have largely been ignored by scientists. But that’s starting to change.

With support from the British government, our foundation, and others, researchers at Cornell and the USDA are now working on a model for cassava, a root vegetable that’s a staple crop in many tropical regions. Partners in Uganda and Nigeria are growing lots of plants, recording their traits, and sending genetic samples to Cornell for sequencing. When the cassava model is finished, it will help breeders develop new varieties faster than ever. (Incidentally, I’m fascinated by cassava—and you may not know that it is responsible for the fun factor in bubble tea.)

Please read the full post here.

I’ll be spending next week at Cornell as a visiting “professor at large,” and one of my stops will hopefully be the plant breeding and genetics program.

It’s great to see scientists finding ways to do leading-edge research that has real-world applicability in this turbulent but promising century. That’s the focus of the new Future Earth initiative that I’ve been involved with.

Related | I also recently found a useful resource for anyone looking to focus research on places in the world where the gap between current crop yields and potential yields is greatest: The Global Yield Gap Atlas. Here’s the explanation of this resource from the project website:

Current rate[s] of yield increase for major food crops is not fast enough to meet demand on existing farmland. Given limited land suitable for crop production and population soon to exceed 9 billion, ensuring food security while protecting carbon-rich and biodiverse rainforests, wetlands, and grasslands depends on achieving highest possible yields on existing farm land. Yet for most major crop-producing countries, including data-rich regions such as the USA and Europe, there are few reliable data on yield potential (Yp) or water-limited yield potential (Yw). Hence, the target of the Global Yield Gap Atlas (GYGA) is to provide best available estimates of the exploitable yield gap (Yg-E) — difference between current average farm yields and 80% of Yp and Yw. Water resources to support rainfed and irrigated agriculture also are limited, which means efficiency in converting water to food, water productivity (WP) , is another key food security benchmark included in the Atlas.