Range Resources gagged kids on Colbert Report

by TXsharon on August 16, 2013

in NDA, Range Resources

Range Resources took the beating they deserve on Colbert Report last night for gagging the Hallowich children.

Tonights word is “Gag Gift.”

Fortunately folks we can enjoy the fruits of fracking without feeling the guilt.

Colbert also took on fracking in a more general way.

Golden Age of Flammability

We’re trying to throw a fracking party here and people are ruining it with their suffering.

Thank you Stephen Colbert!

P.S. Readers, you should remember that despite what Range Resources’ general counsel David Poole said in his threatening letter, Range intentionally gagged the Hallowich children and they are still gagged for life.

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Tim Ruggiero August 16, 2013 at 11:21 pm

So let me get this straight-David Poole, General Counsel for Range specifically pointed out in his letter that he approved the settlement, and the terms. Oddly enough, in addition to having completely missed the minor children being part of the gag order, he allowed the other attorney to clarify with the judge that the NDA DID include the kids. And there was also discussion about this, and the Range attorney should have figured out that he couldn’t hold the kids to the NDA.

To be fair, the Hallowich attorney should have known, too, although he did make some attempt to get the judge to rule. Except the judge didn’t, he dodged the question by saying “that’s a question for a law school.”

Law scholar Poole also missed the NDA included that the Hallowich’s were agreeing not to talk about drilling any Marcellus shale related issues at all, although he only stated in his letter they couldn’t talk about Range and their two co-defendants.


GhostBlogger August 17, 2013 at 3:48 am

News of this is spreading:

Stephen Colbert On Fracking Gag Order: ‘Paying For Silence Is Catching On Like Tapfire’ (VIDEO)


Maybe Range Resources will drag Stephen Colbert into Court over this & claim conspiracy. Look out, Dave Letterman, you also may get hauled into Court somehow, for not bowing down to fracking.


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