Range Resources plea to jurisdiction in fracking water contamination case

by TXsharon on December 1, 2011

in ISEO, Range Resources

Hello Fracking Insurgents,

I am in Parker County at a hearing where Range Resources has filed a plea to jurisdiction in the water contamination case where EPA had to step in. If the judge grants this motion, it means the Texas Railroad Commission is the final authority in fracking water contamination cases. It means you can’t sue for damages if the Big Gas Mafia fracks up your water. It would be a disaster for all Texas water drinkers.

Keep your fingers crossed. I will update this post with the decision.

UPDATE: Range’s attorney has admitted that it is “abundantly clear” that the geology in this area is unpredictable.

Yet, Range cut corners and did the least cementing job that was required. They CANNOT be trusted to do the right thing and protect our water.

UPDATE 2: No ruling until January. The judge thought both sides presented compelling evidence.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Westchester Neighbor December 1, 2011 at 11:30 am

Wow. How LUCKY that would be for the Chairwoman of the Texas Railroad Commission and her family’s business!


Kim Feil December 1, 2011 at 11:46 am


For those following other water contamination cases, a nearby petroleum company has leaked – seeped goo oily junk from ground sourcing 1/2 mile away into a creek that feeds Denver’s water system. Another fossil fuel water disaster…I wonder if this happened in Texas how our RRC would figure out a way to get them off the hook? PS the fumes in the area require respirators for the clean up efforts.


Anonomous December 1, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Our 3rd branch of gubment at work, wasting our tax money. Nothing to help the ordinary peasants. There needs to be a 50% reduction in budget funding for the courts & cops in Tx.


TXsharon December 1, 2011 at 8:03 pm

I will fill you in more on this in the morning. Right now, I’m wiped out.

The judge is really sharp and he was not enthralled with Range’s slick attorney. He absolutely feels the full weight of this decision but it is very narrow legally.

Today it was blatantly obvious that Range contaminated that water well.


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