True Goods

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Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.

Unacceptable Levels

Unacceptable Levels examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of affable filmmaker Ed Brown, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children. To create this debut documentary, one man and his camera traveled extensively to find and interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law. Weaving their testimonies into a compelling narrative, Brown presents us with the story of how the chemical revolution brought us to where we are, and of where, if we’re not vigilant, it may take us.

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American Sustainable Business Council

The mission of the American Sustainable Business Council is to advance public policies that foster a vibrant, just, and sustainable economy.

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“Unacceptable Levels is a hugely important film… Sadly, most Americans are misinformed or not informed at all about how many toxic chemicals we are being exposed to 24 hours a day. These toxins are making us sick and quite simply our lives are being threatened. We need to stand up and speak out. We must demand a healthy environment for ourselves and for our children. Unacceptable Levels poignantly reveals how chemicals have invaded our lives.”

Mariel Hemingway Actress, Author, Healthy Living Advocate

“From the products we use, to the food we eat, to the air we breathe, Unacceptable Levels documents how prevalent toxic chemicals have become part of our lives.  Ed Brown uses the powerful connection of family to illustrate how broken our system has become, and why we must do something about it. Our children’s futures depend on it.”

Gigi Lee Chang CEO, Healthy Child Healthy World

“This excellent film brings home in a very real way the link between our environment and our health.”

Génon Jensen Executive Director of HEAL (Health and Environment Alliance)

“This movie makes it impossible to hide behind the numbers.  It not only changes the way that you look at the world, but the way that we look at ourselves.”

Randy Hayes Founder, Rainforest Action Network

“This movie lives the Health Child motto: No one can do everything, everyone can do something.  Ed Brown has done something by creating an amazing, powerful experience that moves all of us to realize how important it is to know how our system works and what we can do to fix it.”

Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff

“With this remarkably important film, Ed Brown captures the seamy side of the chemical revolution and forces us to confront the need to make the future safer than the past.”

Dr. Devra Lee Davis PhD, MPH, Founder and President of the Environmental Health Trust, author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation

“Such an important and powerful film!  This is a story you need to hear.”

Stacy Malkan Co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and author, “Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry”

“Unacceptable Levels is Powerful.  It tells the story of toxic chemicals in just about every aspect of our lives, and the egregious lack of regulation.  Our ability to protect our families is at stake.”

Joan Blades Co-founder of &

“This film is a huge eye-opener!  Once a parent sees this, they thankfully won’t ever approach their child’s health & future the same way ever again!”

Jessica Capshaw Gavigan Environmental Advocate and Actress

“This movie is a must see for all of us whose vision is a future free from toxic chemicals… policy makers, CEOs, educators and parents alike.”

Erin Switalski Executive Director, Women’s Voices for the Earth

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