Issues and Topics
Reportable Issues May Include
  • Bandit signs
  • Barking dogs
  • Down or damaged street signage
  • Drainage, water, sewer problems
  • Fence repairs
  • Garbage
  • Graffiti
  • High weeds and grass
  • Junked Vehicles
  • On-going traffic issues
  • Park improvements or repairs
  • Parking violations
  • Pool permit and safety issues
  • Street light outages
  • Street repairs and potholes
  • Tree and environmental violations

Informational Topics Include
  • Building Inspection, fence, and pool regulations
  • Elections and voting
  • HOA and deed-restriction topics
  • Leash laws

For additional information and helpful tips, please click here

    • Special event or food-permit requirements
    • Trash and recycling services
    • Water and sewer services

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