John Wiley Price and Associates Indicted by Feds in Alleged Bribery Scheme

Categories: Schutze

Thumbnail image for JWPInRavkindsOffice3.jpg
Alex Scott
John Wiley Price was arrested at his home this morning, three years after his house was raided.
Arrests by federal agents this morning of Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price on bribery conspiracy charges, along with charges against three associates, have set off a new round in everybody's favorite courthouse whisper game, "Who's flipped?"

Multiple sources this morning say federal agents have arrested Price, who was indicted along with his loyal longtime personal assistant, Daphne Fain, and a powerful Dallas political consultant and friend to the Clinton family, Kathy Nealy. The feds' indictment is below.

Few people with knowledge ever thought Fain would turn on her boss and cooperate with the feds, but for months there has been speculation that Nealy, potentially a much more powerful ally for the prosecution, would cooperate. Her indictment this morning is either a very clever feint or an indication she's not going to help the feds put Price in prison.

The U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Texas will lay out charges against Price at a news conference later this morning. Court documents filed since a raid on Price's home and office over three years ago depict a wide-ranging probe of his business transactions, personal financial activities including land transactions and a bankruptcy.

Fain's attorney, Tom Mills, has indicated to me consistently since the raids that she will not cooperate with the feds against Price. Whatever knowledge she may have, however, goes toward the small-bore side of Price's activities.

The federal indictment on display below outlines an alleged bribery scheme in which Nealy and Christian Lloyd Campbell, himself a "consultant" and former Nealy employee, funneled money to Price in exchange for favorable votes for their clients, who had business with the county. Price also is accused of feeding their clients inside information on their competitors for county bids. The indictment says Nealy funneled more than $950,000 in "corrupt payments and benefits" -- cash, land and vehicles -- to Price.

It's Nealy who knows the bigger picture. Nealy has worked for the Perot family interests in the past, for a time occupying a fancy private suite at American Airlines Center when the basketball arena was still in Perot hands. After the raids, that suite became the focus of litigation and an IRS probe.

Nealy has occupied key positions in national Democratic Party campaigns and, with a few others like recently retired lawyer DeMetris Sampson, has been Price's conduit to the larger world beyond his Dallas County stronghold. If there are bigger bones than his own financial peccadilloes to be found in Price's closet, she would know what they are. Her arrest today, along with an employee of hers, may be viewed with disappointment by people who were hoping the feds had won her over.

But Kathy Nealy can be complicated. She played an ambiguous role in the 2010 prosecution of former Dallas City Council member Don Hill, sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption in 2010. She denied on the stand at first that she had been given a plea deal by the feds in exchange for her testimony against Hill, allowing her to escape any shadow of complicity, but then under cross examination by Hill's attorneys she more or less conceded that she and the feds had come to a meeting of the minds.

The reason everybody has been playing "Who's flipped?" for three years is that most of the so-called hard evidence scooped up by the feds -- $229,000 found in a safe in his Oak Cliff home, for example, or his collection of rare automobiles -- can be interpreted any number of ways, some of them exculpatory. Price's attorney, Billy Ravkind, will be able to bring many people to the stand who will testify that Price has always been a sharp trader in goods and land, easily capable of amassing that much cash and that many cars without breaking any laws.

Meanwhile his longtime popularity in southern Dallas will definitely find its way into the jury pool, making it tough for the government to bring him down with a complicated, abstract or loosey-goosey prosecution based on the idea that he's got too much stuff and money for a man of his means. What the feds really need, most observers agree, is a person or people who will point the finger and say, "He and I conspired to do such and such, and, by the way, I taped him."

That's the question that will be on people's minds at today's press conference.

John Wiley Price Indictment by Joe Tone

My Voice Nation Help

I was a tad more curious about the Allen Group and the land they had acquired. The Allen Group website seems to point to which doesn't seems to be all working.


Just curious as to what sort of $$ are we talking about.  How much do we suspect JWP made from shady boondoggling? Is there any way the city can recoup some of the $$ back.

When people go to some cushy prison for white collar crimes for embezzlements of a few million bucks and are sentenced to 5 years but get out in 2....aren't they sort of coming out ahead if they have spent or hidden the money?  


There is a old Negro spiritual that goes "There's a great day coming, a great day coming there's a great day coming by and by". " When the Saints and the Sinners shall be parted right and left". John you would be going left


All this angst about JWP and companions, likely guilty as Sin,

Why haven't any of you shown any anger at the people who bribed them?  Conspiracy requires conspirators.  On both sides of the offer and acceptance.

 Schlumberger Ltd

 Atos Origin

and a mega-company owned by those who's name we dare not speak,  that had JWP run off the original developer of that mega-cargo terminal at Wilmer-Hutchins,  that linked perfectly with that airport governments gave them in NW Ft. Worth.

Is there any anger about their corruption?

And why not?


I had to watch his famous "Go to Hell - you're white" video again and it's so gratifying to know this arrogant SOB is going to be behind bars one day in the not-so-distant future.  Long overdue.


so how big will the headline be on the front page of the DMN tomorrow morning???


I don't see how Nealy's arrest means she didn't roil.  If she makes a deal for leniency, she can still get arrested and do some time, right? Same with Fain.


Who wants to take bets that he never lives to testify?


Story around the Courthouse,  JWP was offered a deal if he'd deliver two others,  one you'd expect,  the other would floor you.  He hasn't,  so far.

There's much more to the story.  Google legal news detroit September 20 2011,  a reprint of a DMN story.   Some of us think JWP has had a close relationship with the Feds since then.


The one person not indicted which I see as a glaring omission is Ms. Karen Manning from the Millennium 2000 Art Gallery at South Side on Lamar. Federal authorities had alleged in earlier court filings that Manning had helped Price launder money and the indictment does refer to the gallery as "Business M" and as "a business known to the grand jury". I'm left wondering if Karen Manning turned on JWP and made a deal


Mr. Price should seek federal protection in exchange for giving evidence against those who bribed him for the alleged honest services frauds. If the feds deligently developed this thread, they would find that it leads to evidence of corruption at the highest levels of the state and federal judiciary in the Northern District of Texas. It is interesting that the grand jury in the case against Price (3:14-cr-00293-M) was overseen by federal judge Barbara M. G. Lynn (as indicated by the "M" suffix on the case number). Just before being anointed as a federal judge, Lynn worked as a Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, LLP partner defending Baron & Budd, P.C. President Fred Baron and Secretary Lisa Blue-Baron--one of Price's benefactors and beneficiaries of Prices' honest services frauds ( Lynn and her firm were also instrumental in derailing state and federal grand jury investigations of evidence showing that B&B lawyers had bribed/extorted state judges into honest services frauds to cover-up the asbestos memorandum scandal (


How's that Inland Port doing?


Popcorn: check

Drink: check

Time: check

Let's see how this crazy story ends.


                             Our Man in the Can!


JPW: "Our Man Inside".

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Oh come on, this is just whitey putting his boot on the neck of a black man in order to keep him down.  If a black man accomplishes anything, whitey will take it away and push him down.  No Justice! No Peace!



@kfries1 The Allen Group filed bankruptcy when Price took the inland port and gave it to Ross Perots group in Ft Worth years ago


@JackJett One of the charges has to do with his allegedly embezzling six figures in cash from other blacks that was money raised by Kwanza.

Even if Price was found innocent or pardoned by Obama and Holder, he would never be able to hold public office again, and nobody would trust him.  At least he can't say the white community was after him, as the chief prosecutor is Hispanic, and the Attorney General is black,  This means he can't play the usual race card.


@JackJett As JWP is a Dallas COUNTY elected official,  doubtful the City of Dallas will get any back.

No,  a forfeiture action is already in place,  Feds already have some of what they claim are ill-gotten gains.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@fordamist If you actually read the comments, people are asking about the crooks on the other side of the money.  Most of the people commenting here know that if JWP goes down, and the supply side of the corruption is still operating, someone else will fill the demand side.

If you look beyond the "M", "A", "S" etc, and compare details in the indictment with filings in both City and County records, you'll notice that Atos and Hillwood are both entities "known to the Grand Jury".


@pak152 If they are like channel 4 there wont be a headline.  Channel 4 did no coverage until they started getting phone calls.  I think they may have been one of the company's that gave JWP bribe money


@lolotehe That's what I've been telling my friends.  I think he will commit suicide before he goes to prison


Can I get 3 guesses on the second person? They are:

1. Mike Rawlings

2. Ron Kirk

3. Royce West



Oh come on! 

1) Perot 

2) ??? 

Now give up the goods, who's the second??? 


@UnCoverUp_2 WOW!!!!!

That's pretty incredible.  Could change the game plan altogether.  

Is there such a thing as justice when politics are involved???


@UnCoverUp_2   Let me guess, you are Roger K. Parsons?   As the relevant issue here is whether JWP should be in jail or not, hijacking this post to spew the butthurt rantings of a conspiratorial quack is not cool.


@kfries1 All the Blacks in Duncanville, Desoto have forgiven him for that. Shows what ignorants can do to an entire county.

 Meanwhile Ross Perot is sitting pretty thanks to John Wiley Price railroading the inland port for him


@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul   It takes two to tango, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop (but wasting no time in mixing metaphors, apparently). If said shoe does NOT drop, I'll be forced to conclude that your argument (while obviously satirical) actually has some merit.


@RTGolden1 @fordamist  Does anyone believe that JWP won't roll over on those people if he is staring at years, perhaps decades, in prison?  That boy will flip quicker than a fish on a hot boat deck!  He'll start naming names and trying to bargain his way to a serious run at a minimum sentence.  After all, no one expects him to protect all those white people, right?  LOL...


@smichaelclark59 pretty weak headline
""Schocking betrayal' is described by feds." plus the story split the above the fold with a wire service story about the WH looking to expand "migrant" rights. for that one they couldn't even use the correct term "illegals"


@ScottsMerkin @WaitWhat "Her indictment this morning is either a very clever feint or an indication she's not going to help the feds put Price in prison."

This is why I asked.  Why can't it be a standard plea deal?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


It is an OC thing, you get pinched, you shut up and do your time.  When you get out, people will take care of you.

My money is on JWP and others staying shut.

Montemalone topcommenter

@Daniel I don't know if they're that mixed.

After all, one wears shoes to tango, no?


@Daniel The the only shoe that's going to drop in this case is after someone "hangs" themselves.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@WaitWhat @ScottsMerkin Or it simply means they got her to roll on Price in exchange for leniency on some charges and then indicted her on others, or still have charges they're going to indict her with.  Ambitious prosecutors aren't any more scrupulous than sleazy defenders.


@fordamist @Rumpunch1


Here is one of your comments from a prior Schutze article:

"fordamistJul 11, 2014"

"Unfortunately,  I'm now an expert on real-life issues.  I sold my home, moved to a highrise.  A couple months later management began waiving their credit-background checks,  started taking every Section 8 applicant.  Maintenance HAS gone to hell.  Strangers are prowling around at night,  some during the day.  The restrictions on permanent guests,  not propping your front door open and using a fan to pull cool air from the hall into your apartment, things I agreed to and relied on,  are out the window.  There's increasingly-open racial tensions. A month ago I was told "you white people think you can move in here and just take over."  An apparent transient sleeps on a pool table.  

I looked at Atmos before I moved,  two vastly different monthly rents.  "Low Income" was about half the "market" rate. 

The goal of having subsidized and market is nice.  The reality is vastly different.  The temptation to keep every unit rented, every possible cent coming in,  and Section 8 being the easiest solution,  is just too great.

Sociologists call it "the tipping point",  after which it's almost impossible to halt further decline and damage.   

I've found a place to move."

Per your words, you live in government subsidized housing, which doesn't preclude you from knowing what you claim but my bet is you dont know shit. Your just bullshitting everyone. Nice try. Either put up or shut up, cuz you don't know shit. 

If you do, prove it!!! 


@lolotehe @Daniel  If it takes two to tango in the forest and a shoe drops, does anyone hear it? 

No just us/No peas..


@longballin @fordamist @Rumpunch1 

adjust your spectacles.

I'm paying market rate.  From what I've heard,  about twice the Section 8 rate.  When I moved here it was market only.

I've already offered a $100 bet,  who do you wanna hold the money?



@fordamist @longballin @Rumpunch1

If you know who it is, tell us. Or, are you saying you need to be paid $100 for the information? You will be a hero on this site for disclosing a huge name that will be proven later.

Lets hear it??? 

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