Dallas Wants to Kill the Tietze Park Pool, Which Is Dumb and Unneccessary

Categories: Schutze

They want to blow up Tietze Pool, fill it in and replace it with nothing. Then they want to build some suburban-looking crap like this way off somewhere else. Really.
Sorry, everybody else, but this is one of those times I have to go all-in, full-tilt, do-or-die East Dallas on you.

East Dallas! Listen to me! They're going to take Tietze Pool away from you!

Tietze Pool! One reason you moved into the Greater M Streets Area, also known as Far Outer Lakewood, also known as Old East Dallas, whatever the hell you want to call it. Tietze Pool! It's cool! It's one of the top cool things.

You can walk to it. Almost maybe. It's old and funky. Everybody's there. It's not some all-white country club. You feel like you're in a real city. Tietze Pool is the cool little jewel at the heart of East Dallas about a mile and a half west of White Rock Lake and a mile and a half east of Central Expressway, two and a half miles south of Northwest Highway and two and a half miles north of I-30.

Away. Gone. Dug up. Filled in. Nothing. That's the plan. If you don't believe me, look at the City Council briefing below. The briefing is three years old, but the issue is bubbling up right now behind the scenes because the city of Rowlett has offered Dallas some $32 million for Elgin B Robertson Park, a 257-acre peninsula in Lake Ray Hubbard that is outside the Dallas city limits. The proceeds from such a sale, if it takes place, have been set aside to fund a major rehab of the city's system of municipal pools. The minute Elgin Robertson sells, and that could happen any day, Tietze Pool's days will be numbered.

Count on it: They will have all kinds of reasons. Overlapping service areas. Oh, yeah, that's a huge problem. We all wake up every morning and think, "Oh my God, what are we going to do about these overlapping service areas?" If we've got an overlapping service area, we should just blow up the whole pool and fill it with rubble. Better no pool at all than an overlapping service area.

Or my favorite: maintenance. The city has to spend half a million bucks a year maintaining existing pools because they're old and worn out. So the way to trim that down is to spend $40 million building brand-new pools that won't be worn out. And that $40 million, if we spent it instead on maintenance, that would amount to how many years? Help me a little here. English major, you know. Got my trusty Eberhard pencil to my lips now getting it wet, sweeping all the eraser dust off my sheet of paper. Ummmm ... $40 million would be 80 years of maintenance by my arithmetic.

Wait, wait. 'Nother reason to kill Tietze Pool, and it's my own personal favorite worst reason for killing Tietze Pool is that they have to hurry up and do something quick with the money from the Elgin Rpbertson sale or somebody will steal it. Well, you know, not steal it maybe in the cops and robbers sense but get their hands on it and spend it all on something like a floating bar for Park Cities teenagers on White Rock Lake.

In other words, the argument is that the city needs to hurry up and announce a plan for what they're going to do with their windfall money before the money melts away. What they want to do is replace all of the city's neighborhood and regional pools with "aquatic centers" -- places with water slides, spray pools, lazy rivers and huge parking lots so people in the city can have a crappy version of what life could be if they lived in the suburbs.

OK, given that Tietze is the second most heavily attended swimming pool in Dallas after Lake Highlands, then after they fill in the old pool they'll build an aquatic center at Tietze, right? Wrong. Three reasons.

One. Nobody in the area around Tietze wants a big, brash, high-traffic, drive-to, fake suburban water park next to them, which is why they live near Tietze.

Two. As soon as you talk about spending money for something new, it has to be FAIR. And what is FAIR? FAIR is the exact same amount of money spent on the same amount of water park in each city council person's district. So you pay absolutely no attention to the high historical usage at Tietze Pool. You pay absolutely no attention to the role Tietze has played in germinating the rich sense of community all around it.

You bulldoze it. You leave nothing in its place but dirt. Then you build a bunch of generic weak-ass imitations of commercial water parks and stick them around the city, evenly spaced, of course, so you will eliminate that really big problem everybody was so incredibly worried about before -- overlapping service areas. And that brings us to the last reason:

Reason Three: That way you avoid trouble. If you can come up with a plan that is equally useless for all, serving equally non-existent constituencies, everyone will be equally defeated by the FAIRNESS doctrine, and there will be no trouble.

So, East Dallas, you know your part here. It's time for you to step up to the line and do what you do so well. Unless you want to lose Tietze Pool, you need to blow up the whole deal, KABOOM! Make lots and lots of trouble. Go down there and make them rue the day they thought they could take Tietze away from you and you wouldn't notice. And, please, do tell them to put their service areas where the sun don't shine.

The rest of you? Sorry to interrupt.

AquaticMasterPlan_CC-Briefing_082211.pdf by Schutze

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I realize I'm missing the point here but selling lakefront property for $124,513 an acre? Does Dallas not need the money? Our less than 1/3 of an acre non-lakefront lot in East Dallas is valued at $220,000. Shame that the lake view brings values down so drastically. Does Dallas at least get a draft pick or something?


There is no reason why the government has to provide pools.  I don't see that in the Constitution anywhere.


Jim:  Think of these pools as "classrooms" and the Aquatic Facilities Master Plan" as the equivalent of Mike Mile's Destination 2000. You are placing values on community and neighborhood and tradition and scale and all the things people tend to value. The city just seems to be coming from the same place as Superintendent Miles: let's impose our own sense of efficiencies, monetize the process, and maybe even demonize everyone opposed to the plan!   Have a good day :)


"It's not some all-white country club."

The white folk gentrifying that area didn't "go east Dallas" on anyone as Angela Hunt did her best to put a Wal Mart on every major corner of East Dallas. Talk about overlapping service areas. These folks ruined the neighborhood with their Frisco McMansions, so I'm not sure how much they will object to more suburban comforts close to their homes.


Can't the kids just swim in soon-to-be Trinity Lakes?  Apparently they will be able to rock climb too!


Find out what developers are drooling over it.

I only asSuhm this to be the case; standard procedure.


Well said! I wish the City Council would look out for their constituents instead of themselves/their own political agenda.


Yes we will go East Dallas on them and they will never know what hit them! This is preposterous. Generations have grown up going to that pool (some, really growing up!) and personally I can remember my fear of that high board was only exceeded by the one at Vickery Park pool (now long gone).

They will regret even contemplating this! The din will be dramatic!


Whaddyawannabet some DISD ejamicated, or Amarillo Cab trained genius at Marilla got the ebola mindset, and figgered he needed to eradicate Tietze flies?

observist topcommenter

Where's Philip Kingston on this?  He lives a few blocks from Tietze Park - I can't imagine he wants the pool closed.


"Count on it: They will have all kinds of reasons"

First and foremost is the outbreak of sleeping sickness in the area.


Jim, you probably think you made up that part about a floating bar on White Rock Lake for Park Cities teenagers.  But there was a proposal about 20 years ago to bring back the "Bonnie barge," with party rentals to, e.g., SMU fraternities.  The proponents solemnly assured us that there would be no alcohol consumption.


How can cops make a real difference in communities where they do not reside?The obstacles for cops to do so are obviously insurmountable in many cases.I say that cops should be required to live in cities they patrol.It’s too easy for police officers to “go to work” in the City of Dallas and then go home to their homes in (take your suburb of choice . . . e.g. Mesquite, Garland, Richardson, Irving, etc.) and not appreciate the lives of the people who they’re being trusted to protect (people whom they are affecting).When one is NOT invested, it’s just easier to dismiss, stigmatize, and otherwise demoralize people whom one feels (s)he has little in common with.That sentiment can be marginalized by the sharing of tax dollars, city representatives, and other community interests/issues.


Not sure why we can't have that pool and a waterpark.  both are great to have around.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Kill the Tietze Park Pool

First JFK, then Patient Zero, now a pool? Just what the hell is going on down there?


"Elgin B Robertson Park, a 257-acre peninsula in Lake Ray Hubbard that is outside the Dallas city limits."

Elgin B Robertson Park is entirely within the city limits of Dallas, as is all of Lake Ray Hubbard.

$32 million is a steal for this highly-developable property.


@WhoisJohnGalt  It's called the 10 Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."


Are you unfamiliar with the Wading Clause of the 12 Amendment.

JimSX topcommenter

Where else could we go with that metaphor? Fascist lifeguards allow swimmers only to use butterfly strokes while holding anyone who attempts to swim freestyle underwater until they either drown or retire early from the pool. Meanwhile swimmers are drilled remorselessly for swim meets, never allowed to discover the joys of just splashing around for fun. Yes, yes, I see what you're getting at. Mike Miles is destroying Tietze Pool with his cruel program of Swim Reform.


@JFPO  I try to see both sides. At least by allowing McMansions, we're 1) keeping wealthy people from taking their disposable incomes and tax dollars to Southlake, and 2) allowing older neighborhoods with an older housing stock to renew themselves gradually over time.


@JimSX  Is it true that you guys censored Bucky?  I noticed you have censored two of my post that fell completely within the guidelines and were upbeat in nature.


Well. . .How did that happen?. . .I obviously posted in the wron article. LOL.

JimSX topcommenter

@manpanties The waterpark is oil-and -water with the neighborhood, because it would be a regional destination, require big parking and bring much new traffic. What East Dallas likes best is for the city to leave it alone. New is not viewed as better, usually as worse. Using the money to fix what is already there would be a very popular idea, not just with the swimming pool but how about the streets, sewers, curbs, gutters, alleys and so on, in other words the multi-billion dollars worth of deferred maintenance the city has accrued while pursuing World's Biggest Ball of String roadside attractions instead. A commenter below suggests some water park investor must have wormed his or her way into the ears of the park board. That would be my best guess, too, without any evidence, I admit, to back it up. But think about it. Your brother-in-law's roof leaks. His foundation sags. His plumbing is spotty. And he says, "I have been offered an incredible deal on a candy-apple red Porsche. Don't suppose you could spot me a few grand for the down?" About what we hear from City Hall all the time.

JimSX topcommenter

@bvckvs the plan is under active and immediate consideration by the Park Department according to two highly placed persons who spoke to me on a not for attribution basis. Also see Angela Hunt column in current Lakewood Advocate ftom which I stole idea. 

joe.tone moderator

@bvckvs The author doesn't claim it was the council's plan, a version of it was approved by the park board last year, and there is an indication the council is considering it. Good effort though.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs #TQATDA....someone below was mentioning dumbasses, welp here is our resident dumbass

JimSX topcommenter

@BushwoodSmithie a very thin band of territory does connect Ray Hubbard to Dallas but only technically. A decade or more ago when (Bill) Clements family tried to use this device to get a big development annexed, decision by city manager at time was that Ray Hubbard was effectively "extra-territorial."

holmantx topcommenter

@kduble @WhoisJohnGalt

That's rich.  You disregard the 10th (and 9th) in every other aspect of American life when it come to federal government over-reach.

And no doubt you will get right back to your inner Constitutionalism as soon as Republicans gain power and stop enforcing laws they don't care for, or imposing those by pen they do.

And I will be with you.

But seriously, oh fair weather Con man, you are the poster boy for ad hoc, situational governance by the decree two states over.


@JimSX  Exactly!   :) :)  :)  :).  Sheeesh!! Gotta have a little fun around here once in a while. I live pretty close to Tietze.  It is a treasure.  My point really is that metrics of "efficiencies" usually fail to measure the important issues of  quality of life, happiness, community spirit, etc.   Back in the day, we called them "pools."  Now we call them "Aquatic Centers."  I mean, really!

mavdog topcommenter

@bvckvs @JimSX 

link works for me...thanks Jim. good piece by Hunt.

JimSX topcommenter

@raymbala No sweat, brother. I look back sometimes and think, "Oh, Lord, I wrote the wrong article."

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk @raymbala obviously, he'd either like to ban cops from swimming there or for the city to convert it to a DPD marine training center.

mavdog topcommenter


This s why, in journalism

LMAO! you believe that you possess the qualifications/knowledge/experience to lecture Jim on correctly working "in journalism"??? seriously??


ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@joe.tone @bvckvs 

With City Hall and their "Plans", it sometimes takes a whole lot more than a silver bullet, a wooden stake, running it through a wood chipper; and, then composting the results in a peat bog to kill any sort of plan.

This previously disused plan could very easily be brushed off, spiffed up and recirculated as the plan to fix all woes of the Parks Dept once some  juiced in  contractor or developer gets the ear of the right City staffer.  Or Heaven forbid that a contraveloper or devetractor gets juiced in.

For City plans that refuse to die, please see the Floodway Tollway as Exhibit 1.


@bvckvs @cityhalljunkie @LakeWWWooder You obviously have not had any dealings with East Dallasites responding to a threat to their neighborhood.  I could give examples, but there's got to be a character limitation on these comments and I would quickly run out of room.

JimSX topcommenter

@bvckvs @joe.tone Sorry, bvckvs, I know this is irritating, but I can't provide you the detail you seek on my sources without betraying my promise of confidentiality. I assume you want the detail as proof and clarity, which I understand, but others who will be watching this exchange closely will be searching for clues. This will sound pompous, I know, but I nevertheless have to give you this challenge: how many cases do you know of where I have been caught making stuff up in the past? I have a 36-year record of being right in this town. And, Sanford, I don't write under a pseudonym, as you do.

JimSX topcommenter

@bvckvs @JimSX Three sources: my two unnamed, plus Hunt, whom I called to verify. Yeah, I know who you are. I saw a tweet in which you exulted that you had been responded to by the proprietor of a programming language blog. You described your exchange about programming language as a "flame war." I understand that this is all very important to you. It is to me, too, and that is why you are always welcome here. 

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