New Lockey/MacKenzie Lawsuit Seeks to Reopen Can of Worms in HUD Case

Categories: Schutze

Is it just me? Am I totally alone, nuts, or what? Isn't it a bad thing that everybody agrees Dallas City Hall racially discriminates?

The Lockey/MacKenzie federal whistle-blower lawsuit accusing Dallas of deliberate racial segregation, dismissed last year because the judge said I had already blown the whistle, is back in court in all new clothes, filed Friday, this time with less of me and more of former City Council member Angela Hunt and other downtown players.

See also: Judge Denies Whistle-Blowers' Claims in Dallas Segregation Case. Again.

The new litigation offers vivid blow-by-blow detail on the way two downtown tower re-developers, Curtis Lockey and Craig MacKenzie, claim the city shut down their deal, including a scene in which a City Hall executive allegedly cupped his telephone during a key meeting and told the pair, "That was Angela Hunt, and she is trying to get me to pull the bonds from your project."

It's not a new charge. Hunt has said in the past that Lockey and MacKenzie's account of a phone call to kill their deal is a lie. But the focus of the Lockey/Mackenzie filing Friday is new -- an attempt to fix problems in the suit they filed last year which was tossed out by U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor.

See also: How Dallas City Hall Put Us Back Behind a 25-Year-Old Eight-Ball on Segregation

Lockey and MacKenzie claimed in the earlier suit they were the first to blow the whistle on Dallas for failing to promote fair housing and deserved a reward under the federal Fair Claims Act. But O'Connor said Dallas' history of frustrating federal fair housing law was already well known, even citing some of my own stuff. He threw the pair out of court saying you can't whistle blow and get a reward on something that's already been blown.

I really never got that, because Lockey and MacKenzie were my sole original sources for whatever I had written about it, even though I obviously talked to lots of other people to check it out. And the judge's argument -- that the federal government should have known Dallas discriminated because it was right there in Jim Schutze's column already -- struck me as very bizarre.

Very flattering. Very bizarre. Like the federal government knows I exist. Like they take me seriously. I started to feel puffed up, but then I thought, "Oh, save yourself the embarrassment, Jim. Something else is going on here."

Then the city claimed O'Connor's ruling as a great victory, and I really had my doubts. It sounded to me, and I paraphrase, like, "Oh, stop the presses! Lockey and MacKenzie and Schutze say we racially discriminate in Dallas. Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock! Everybody already knows that."

And so we brag about this? Now I really am lost at sea.

O'Connor was upheld later by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. But both O'Connor and the 5th Circuit left the door open for Lockey and MacKenzie to fix flaws in their original suit or file a new suit.

One of the flaws they have fixed is me. The new suit, which I found in my weekend troll of federal filings, avoids the very broad fair housing issues I have written about in the past and screws down the focus instead to a specific charge of racial discrimination. That way they say they're blowing the whistle on something that hadn't been reported by anybody else specifically, certainly not with the detailed knowledge, evidence and authority they say they gleaned from their own experiences with City Hall.

It's a key point. The Lockey/MacKenzie litigation is potentially the biggest action of its kind ever in the country among several suits blowing the whistle on local governments for fraudulently misusing federal funds intended to further racial desegregation. Under a federal law enacted during the Civil War, whistle-blowers can claim 25 percent to 35 percent of the total amount of money they can show was taken from the government by fraud.

See also: Whistle-Blowers Claim City Misused Housing Money

In the suit that O'Connor threw out last year, Lockey and MacKenzie said they were talking about a fraud of $1.3 billion -- all the money they say Dallas has taken from the federal government since 2008 in various direct grants and subsidies aimed at reducing segregation. Had they been able to prove that much fraud, they would have been entitled to a minimum reward of $325 million.


Under the new slimmed down version of the suit focusing on federal block grant development funds alone instead of all housing-related federal funds and support, the total fraud, if proved, would be $195 million, cutting their reward to $48.7 million.


In place of some of the sweeping generality of the original lawsuit, the new one offers lots of riveting and colorful detail, including the claim about Hunt as well as a top Neiman Marcus executive and a prominent Dallas architect, both appointed members of a relevant city board, who also conspired to kill the Lockey/MacKenzie deal for racial reasons. Again with quotes!

I have messages in to the architect, the Neiman-Marcus executive and City Attorney Warren Ernst, but I haven't heard back yet. I called Lockey over the weekend, but he declined to discuss the litigation. I messaged his attorneys in Washington today, but they also declined to discuss the filings.

I did speak to Hunt this morning, and I asked her again about the cupped phone conversation and remarks the suit alleges that a city official attributed it her.

"I never said that," Hunt said. "I have absolutely no recollection of any phone call with [the official]. I never demanded that bonds be pulled or the project be killed."

Here's the other ultra-confusing wrinkle in all this. The whistle-blower litigation is not - repeat NOT the same thing as the complaint that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has brought against the city for segregation. The "HUD complaint," as that one is called, was based on information HUD got from Lockey and MacKenzie four years ago, but it's a totally separate deal from the whistle-blower suit.

Rather than a court case, the HUD complaint is an administrative action taken unilaterally by HUD based on its own four-year investigation, basically telling Dallas (in my own paraphrase, not a quote), "We believe everything those guys told us about you, and you are in big trouble."

One aspect of the HUD complaint is a demand that the city pay back Lockey and MacKenzie for the money they say they lost on their deal when the city killed it. That's separate from the money Lockey and MacKenzie are seeking in their lawsuit.


But it's the least of what HUD has demanded the city do to make up for past sins. In its original finding, HUD presented Dallas with a laundry list of major new programs and changes to programs Dallas must carry out in order to un-do the damage of racial discrimination in housing in the past.

See also: The Feds Say Dallas City Hall Has Promoted Racial Segregation

All of that has been the subject of negotiations between HUD officials in Washington and City Attorney Ernst for a couple of months, but those negotiations seem now to be locked in some kind of weird limbo. Knowledgeable sources told me weeks ago that Ernst had assured the City Council that HUD would fold on all of its major claims.

The sources said Ernst told the council, in fact, that he already had agreements in hand in writing from HUD that no money had to be paid to Lockey and MacKenze as part of settling the HUD complaint and that HUD was withdrawing it's "Title VI" complaint, which is the main Civil Rights accusation against the city. But other equally good sources told me none of that was true. They said HUD hadn't agreed to squat and the HUD people thought somebody in Dallas must be smoking bad weed.

The mystery now, weeks later, would be this: If Ernst already had agreements in hand kicking Lockey and MacKenzie out of a settlement of the HUD complaint and withdrawing the Title VI complaint, then he already had total victory. There should be a settlement to announce by now and maybe a nice party.

Instead there is only radio silence, beginning to lend credence to the alternative scenario that occurs to me -- that the talks are basically brain-dead and HUD is preparing to issue a "determination" which it will turn over to the U.S. Justice Department for enforcement. The main penalty the city would face in that case would be a loss of future hundreds of millions of dollars in federal support, maybe billions, unless the city agrees to each and every term of the determination.

And then there is this: In none of this -- not in the judicial ruling or the appeals court ruling in Federal Fair Claims Act suit so far, not in the HUD complaint, not even in the city's own public discussion of the matter, does anybody deny or even question that Dallas has engaged in official and deliberate policies of racial discrimination in the last 10 years.

If anything, the city's posture has been sort of (my own paraphrase again): "Yeah, maybe we racially discriminated, but we shouldn't have to pay anything to those squealers who ratted us out for it."

See also: Suddenly, Dallas Says HUD Segregation Investigation Is a Blessing

Does anyone else find that remarkable? Or am I just out here on my ex-post-'60s, hippie-liberal life-raft by myself, a victim of too much sunshine, nattering to myself about something everybody else takes for granted? I honestly thought racial discrimination was a bad thing. Did something change while I was away on a canoe trip?

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This article is deceptive and misleading.  One would need to have knowledge of the HUD programs, WHICH DEFINITELY DID NOT GIVE THE CITY OF DALLAS $1.3 BILLION, regardless of what this article relates.  These HUD programs are designed so that 100%+ debt financing is given to politically connected (and often financially weak) real estate developers.  The debt is guaranteed by the poor sucker US taxpayers and transferable tax credits are given to the likes of Lockey and McKenzie, so that they have no risk and pull money out up front. The $1.3 billion went to developers. not to the City of Dallas, which should never be involved in a federal program because of the ridiculously high probability of lawsuits and lawyers fleecing the Dallas taxpayers.

Sure Lockey and McKenzie are upset that they could not feed in the public trough.  The fact is that high rise public housing is a societal and financial fiasco almost everywhere it is tried.  Residents and business generally flee the crime ridden area, regardless of the race of the residents of the project or of those that move away. If 1600 Pacific makes sense as a residential property, the owners should have no trouble obtaining financing in the normal way that apartment developers and renovators develop a project.  Demanding a federal subsidy to make millions on a real estate deal is shameful, but now these operators want to fleece the Dallas taxpayer in the name of racism.

Sad how twisted even the most talented mental gymnast must be to make these lowest of the low characters into anything other than leechlike operators constantly looking for an angle to get rich quick on the back of the taxpayers of the USA and of Dallas.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

We've looked into it . . .

We're good.

~City staff~



Something you might want to keep an eye on:  The Supreme Court will probably decide sometime next year whether the disparate impact theory that underlies HUD's definition of discrimination actually applies under the fair housing laws.

I'm not sure it will directly affect the Lockey/MacKenzie lawsuit or Dallas's potential liability to HUD in the bigger case, but I think it will have to be on the minds of HUD as they try and work out a deal. 


With the technical loophole that gave City Hall their escape from wrongdoing last time, its good to know the plaintiffs are filing a new lawsuit, one way or the other. 


I've been in the ex-post-'60s, hippie-liberal life-raft in the DFW area for so long I'm starting to find a certain comfort there.  

Since I don't understand all the ins and outs of it I can only say that if HUD isn't using our tax monies as was specified when the program began under LBJ in 1968....shut it down.  I suppose the corporate welfare recipients would have a problem with that though.  

holmantx topcommenter

It's not actionable racial discrimination if local black politicians kiss the paper on where the HUD money goes.  HUD's looking for a way out.

And they just can't cut you out now.  

You're on paper showing you blew.

They can't just write you out of the scene, leave your cameo on the cutting room floor.  

Put your chit in for a cut.


This is a case of World Class racism!!!


"The mystery now, weeks later, would be this: If Ernst already had agreements in hand kicking Lockey and MacKenzie out of a settlement of the HUD complaint and withdrawing the Title VI complaint, then he already had total victory. There should be a settlement to announce by now and maybe a nice party."

I would imagine if this were true, City Hall would have had a parade downtown celebrating a good Texas ass-kickin' of HUD, sending them with their tail between their legs. 

Although, we all know HUD has been extremely weak on enforcing these laws, probably more like complicit. I just want to know what people at HUD and what departments specifically have a hand in this, if what Ernst says is true. 


"Does anyone else find that remarkable? Or am I just out here on my ex-post-'60s, hippie-liberal life-raft by myself, a victim of too much sunshine, nattering to myself about something everybody else takes for granted? I honestly thought racial discrimination was a bad thing. Did something change while I was away on a canoe trip?"

It is extremely remarkable. Not to mention the extent and depth of the cover-up.  


Nice rant. You might want to learn some facts before you spout psychobabble!


@Guesty Neither case appears to be based on "disparate impact", more direct and concise violations of discrimination. Don't think it will affect either case at all. Furthermore, it appears HUD planned for such a challenge when issuing their new rules. 

holmantx topcommenter


I've been following this.  It may be why HUD's backed off nationwide.

JimSX topcommenter

Sorry, but racial discrimination law is the product of federal legislation and federal case law. Texans, even black ones, really do not have the right to secede.

JimSX topcommenter

Sorry, but racial discrimination law is the product of federal legislation and federal case law. Texans, even black ones, really do not have the right to secede.

JimSX topcommenter

Phew. That's what I was thinking.


@rwb01 @Guesty You may be right that neither case directly involves disparate impact, but you are wrong about the "direct and concise violations of discrimination," from what I have read, unless you apply a disparate impact theory.  All I see here is the City of Dallas saying they don't want poor people in the CBD.  That might be morally repugnant, but the issue is whether that is unlawful.

The fair housing laws do not directly prohibit discrimination based on income.  However, HUD has adopted regulations that require subsidized housing to be spread out because it otherwise it has the effect of increasing racial segregation because racial minorities are disproportionately poor.  In other words, HUD's policy and regulations are based on textbook disparate impact arguments.  

It may be that this doesn't directly affect the lawsuit because one might say sure, HUD has no authority to force you to allow poor people to live anywhere, but once you take the money, you have to play by its rules.  I'm not sure how that issue comes out.  But I can assure you that HUD has disparate impact on the mind in its dealings with Dallas.    

holmantx topcommenter


HUD can be subject to political pressure.  

I find the statements made by Staff (City Atty's office) to be sufficiently brazen to indicate some kind of alternative avenue has been taken to get the charges dismissed.

Why else would HUD reverse?

There can only be one reason if HUD does not follow through on its writ.  They committed.  Somebody is telling them to back off, and its not the DCC.


@holmantx The buck stops with Castro, so if HUD did cover this up, he would ultimately be held accountable. The others involved would easily be identified and held accountable using best methods. 


@holmantx Then HUD would be part of the cover up. Then, this turns into huge national news and every one involved at HUD loses their jobs and careers if not going to jail. 

holmantx topcommenter

@lepter7 @holmantx

Castro has a history of busting national Democrat leadership balls?  Yeah. right.

Castro's a kid put there for a reason and who wants a national slot.  

HUD thought they had Repubs in the snare in Dallas.  They were misinformed, and that has been fixed.

There is no other explanation, and like the IRS and Benghazi, there will be no investigation, nor any journalistic curiosity.  Because such curiosity by today's MSM is considered bigotry.

Why do you think Staff is popping off so much?  It's in the bag.  They aren't idiots.  If there were any blowback, they'd just clam up like they normally do.

"Uh, City Council, you may now vote down the Trinity River Plan.  You're dismissed."

Do you think there is going to be any blowback on that?  By who?  The Corps of Engineers special ops team (ha!)?

holmantx topcommenter

@mole__ @holmantx

Maybe you haven't been paying attention.

Holder does not prosecute nor enforce laws he or the President disagree with.

And its laughable the MSM would suddenly desire to become jounalists versus Jounolistas.

JimSX topcommenter

Shit. You're starting to convince me. STOP!

holmantx topcommenter


Your piece left no other practical conclusion.  mine is but an affirmation of your method of delivery.

Of course, we're all out to lunch if HUD rides like the 7th Cavalry on Dallas.

And that's the great thing about the future.  The answers are out there.  All hell might break loose.

Either that or HUD's gonna come up with one hell of a "my dog ate my homework" excuse.

One that the DMN Ed Board will no doubt buy completely into (ha!).


@holmantx @JimSX The first smart thing you've said here. You don't know what is going on, you just made assumptions based on Schutze's article. If Dallas had "influencers" force HUD to collapse tent then it would have already been done and the settlement or lack thereof would have already been announced. 

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