3.5M Earthquake in North Texas fracking area – Just Now!

by TXsharon on June 24, 2012

in earthquakes

Another one! That makes 3 quakes in this area since June 5th and one in Southern Texas.

Event Page

In this same location in Northern Texas:


  • Who pays for the damaged foundations?
  • When they shut down the injection well in this location, where will the next one open?
  • What are they going to do with all that fracking waste?
  • Who is next?

Check your foundations regularly if you live in a fracking area and document the condition with photos and video. Drilling can and has caused earthquakes. It’s just common sense.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

WCGasette June 24, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Earth movement is so unpredictable. Injecting water down into the earth under very high pressure…how does it ever make sense?


anon June 24, 2012 at 1:42 pm

to gasholes only it makes sense. $$$.$$$.$$$.$$$.00


Andy Mechling June 24, 2012 at 2:50 pm

According to an article published recently by the American Geophysical Union, “strain amplitudes” caused by earthquakes:

“can . . . enhance production from petroleum reservoirs”.


And according to E&E news service:

“It’s not illegal to cause an earthquake.”


Sounds like a Win-Win situation if there ever was one. So, if “Drill-Baby-Drill” isn’t working for you, . . . .

why not try “Shake Baby Shake”?


TXsharon June 24, 2012 at 6:11 pm

Win-Win for the Big Oil & Gas Mafia but lose-lose for the residents. I doubt many people earn enough in royalties to repair a cracked foundation.


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