Thursday, October 9, 2014

Howie Tours Dimock (and other news)

Governor Andrew Cuomo
told Eric Weltman of Food & Water Watch
(on Primary Day) -- that he would take a tour of the Gasfields of Pennsylvania 
 & meet with the victims of fracking.

Listen Carefully to the exchange starting at 0:57:

Anyway, we're still waiting on that.

Rob Astorino (#Gastorino) has said
he will take an industry-led tour
(fitting, as it seems like he is led by industry!

Meanwhile, Howie Hawkins for NY Governor
took a tour today, a citizens tour, where he learned  about things that Cabot won't mention,
and was taken to places Cabot tries to dismiss.

Vera Scroggins of Susquehanna County, who led the tour,
made a personal invitation to Governor Cuomo
and offered to give him
a guided tour, as she has done for members of Canadian Parliament,
New York State Senators, foreign journalists, and many other dignitaries.

Howie and Vera in Dimock, PA
touring sites of water contamination
determined by PA DEP to be caused by gas drilling

Members of the media were invited to ride along
on the 30 passenger bus with Howie's entourage.

Howie's campaign manager Ursula Rozum told me,
"Every day, Howie's base gets stronger, and more
Zephyr Teachout supporters, such as
education policy expert Diane Ravitch, get on board
for Hawkins / Jones on the Green Party line.
Howie's extremely popular among New York teachers
and teacher's unions, due to his strong commitment
to a strong public education system, including tenure,
adequate funding, and his opposition to High Stakes Testing.

And he's massive among New York's grassroots
Anti-Fracking community, where he has some
very high-profile backing".

Madison County FERC Update

Meanwhile last night in Madison County, 200+ people packed into the Georgetown Town Hall

--which has a maximum safe capacity of 132 according to the fire marshal-- 

to attend a public hearing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
on a pipeline project which would span 200 miles

and would pump 200,000 tons per year of pollutants
into the atmosphere we all breathe.

It was not listed on their website, and there was only ONE hearing scheduled.
​photo: Suzy Winkler

The FERC rep said he didn't expect this "this level of interest".

Uh, really?

I guess he has not been paying attention to this:
  • Jan 2010: 13,000 comments dSGEIS (draft fracking permit conditions)
  • Jan 2012: 67,000 comments rdSGEIS (revised draft fracking permit conditions)
  • Jan 2013: 204,000 comments on the Fracking Regs
oh.... and then, this...

Just imagine if all these people voted for someone

who represents their values...
Just this once!

But that would take a miracle...

Maybe if we DREAM BIG, 
we can create another one?

Let's take BOLD ACTION 
motivated with TRUTH and COMPASSION

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

Don't forget to sign the
Pledge to Resist
the Constitution Pipeline:


Vera said...

It was great showing Howie Hawkins and other Greens and Progressives around our gasfields and show them some of the 1,000 gas wells we have so far in five years in Susquehanna County, Pa. and 450 gas pads and tell them about the 905 DEP Violations so far in our county and show them families dealing with contaminated water since gas drilling near their homes, some within 500 feet of their homes....!! Gov. Cuomo , please come for a Citizen Gas Tour and see what the Gas companies will not show anyone...

stopfrackingincoshocton said...

vera. u rock. thank u