Three more fracking earthquakes in North Texas

by TXsharon on November 19, 2013

in earthquakes

A 2.5M see Event Page


A 2.8M see Event Page

UPDATE: And another one–a big one! 3.6 M. Event Page. I will provide a link later. Event Page. If you felt this quake, please go to the event page and report it. When they don’t get any reports, that allows them to say it was not felt on the surface.

From a resident: This was double anything I felt so far. My husband could hear the metal contorting on the shop where he was standing in the building. I was very freightened by this one. I’m feeling aftershocks now. I’m scared. This is going way to far and it just keeps getting worse.

Check your foundations, walls, patios and driveways for new cracks. Document everything with photos and video.

I have spoken with people in the area who have cracked foundations, brick and driveways from all the recent shaking and quaking. I wonder who will pay for that damage.

It’s time to stop the tap dance around the fracking earthquake issue.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Pat November 19, 2013 at 5:17 pm

I just hope they’re keeping a close watch on that Eagle Mountain Lake dam.


laughingthroughtears November 20, 2013 at 7:57 am

Silly people! Don’t you know? Our cracked foundations are from the drought!

That’s what I was told by “them”. And The Startlegram. It’s all just a big coincidence.


TXsharon November 20, 2013 at 8:01 am

Right. And those cracks just happened to appear during seismic events caused by injection.


Anonymous November 22, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Sharon, you need an update on the Louisiana sinkhole. It is still growing even though it has dropped off the media. Also, the brine container walls are collapsing and the seismic activity is increasing. They are headed for a huge catastrophic earthquake.

Also, check out Oklahoma, they have finally woke up. They are putting together a class action lawsuit for the series of quakes they’ve been suffering from injection wells. Sparks, Oklahoma suffers a 3 magnitude at least once a month. Time to get rid of Senator Inhofe.


TXsharon November 22, 2013 at 12:14 pm

I wish I could cover everything but I’m a one woman show and I just can’t keep up. If you want to gather up some information and submit a guest post, I will happily consider it.


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