Eagle Ford Shale

Texas April Oil, Gas Production Up From Year-Ago Levels

Texas oil and gas production during April was up from year-ago levels, according to preliminary figures compiled by the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). Read More

Industry Brief

Eagle Ford to Rival North Slope Output at its Peak, Says Wood Mackenzie

Eagle Ford Shale crude and condensate production in 2020 will rival Alaska's entire North Slope field at its peak, hitting an estimated 2 million b/d, according to an analysis by Wood Mackenzie Ltd. Read More

March Texas Oil, Gas Production Up From Year Ago

Texas preliminary March crude oil production averaged 2.01 million b/d, up from the 1.62 million b/d average of March 2013. Cumulative March production was... Read More

Sundance Adds to Eagle Ford Acreage as It Exits DJ Basin

Sundance Energy Australia Ltd. is picking up Texas acreage prospective for the Eagle Ford Shale and for the Georgetown Formation and has sold its acreage in the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin in order to refocus capital on core areas, the company said. Read More

Sanchez Doubles Up in Eagle Ford on the Cheap

Sanchez Energy Corp. is buying 106,000 net acres in the Eagle Ford Shale and associated production from Royal Dutch Shell plc for $639 million in cash. Sanchez shares zoomed Thursday. Read More

Gulf Coast Refined Products Export Terminal Comes Online

A Gulf Coast refined products export terminal that was reactivated to take advantage of the shale oil boom has loaded its first cargo, operator Enterprise Products Partners LP said Tuesday. Read More

Strong Eagle Ford Wells Make PVA Optimistic; Analyst Unsure

During the first quarter Penn Virginia Corp. (PVA) set a quarterly oil production record, thanks to a 15% increase in output from its Eagle Ford Shale operations as it continues to grow and delineate its South Texas acreage. Read More

Encana’s New Focus, Well Designs Generate 56% Jump in Liquids Volumes

Encana Corp. made the move from natural gas-heavy to liquids-rich generator in the first quarter as new well designs and a sharper focus highlighted... Read More

Halcon Reports Progress in TMS, Improved Drilling in Williston

Halcon Resources Corp. reported forward progress in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) during the first quarter, while making drilling improvements in the Williston Basin and derisking its holdings in a portion of the Eagle Ford Shale in East Texas. Read More