Items Tagged with 'year'


Undeterred by Commodity Prices, Cabot Plans Robust 2015 Program With Eagle Ford Focus

Despite admitting that 2015 could be one of the toughest years yet for oil and gas prices, Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. management on Friday reaffirmed the company’s plans to grow annual production by 20-30%, with a drilling program that could eventually lean more heavily on the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas. Read More

EQT to Profit From Fewer Wells, Longer Laterals

EQT Corp. plans to do more with fewer wells heading into the end of the year and into 2015, outlining a strategy on Thursday during its third quarter conference call that relies on longer laterals rather than more wells to increase output going forward. Read More

NatGas Market Conditions 'Mixed' for Winter 2014-2015, FERC Says

Forecasters are expecting a relatively mild winter this year, and natural gas production continues to break records, but the industry will still face challenges... Read More

Pace of North American NGV Market Slows, Volvo Says

The pace of development of the alternative fuel vehicle market has slowed, prompting Volvo Trucks to cut back on its development efforts in the natural gas vehicle (NGV) sector. Read More

WPX Cowboys Up, With Western Portfolio Now Sole Focus

WPX Energy Inc. is hauling its rigs and equipment out West and will keep the drillbit going in only three states -- North Dakota, New Mexico and Colorado -- with the balance of the portfolio, including Appalachia, on the sales block, the Tulsa-based operator said. Read More

Oxy Board Approves California Oil, Gas Spin-Off

Houston-based Occidental Petroleum Corp.'s (Oxy) board of directors on Thursday approved the spin-off of the company's substantial California oil and natural gas business into an independent, separately traded unit, California Resources Corp. (CRC). Read More

North Dakota Eyes $800M to Keep Up With Oil Boom

North Dakota's state lawmakers continue to scramble to maintain and expand infrastructure impacted by the oil/natural gas boom in the state that spills over from the Bakken/Three Forks shale plays into the western counties and local communities. Read More

Alaska Oil Tax Cut Withstands Turnback Effort

An oil production tax break for Alaska producers that was adopted last year withstood an attempt by opponents to overturn it at the polls, with voters narrowly favoring keeping Senate Bill 21 (SB 21) provisions in place. Read More

Traders Factoring in Lower EIA Price Forecast; September Called Down 6 Cents

September natural gas is set to open 6 cents lower Wednesday morning at $3.91 as traders discount forecasts of warmer temperatures and focus on a government report suggesting sub-$4 prices. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More

EIA Expects Henry Hub to Average $4.46 This Year, Just $4.00 in 2015

Natural gas production growth and mild weather are allowing storage injections to continue on pace for a record refill of 2.6 Tcf by the end of October, according to the Energy Information Administration, which significantly lowered its gas price outlooks for both 2014 and 2015. Read More