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Editors' Picks

The Genius of David Fincher, Explained

Oct 03, 2014 | 110-part series
Chris Heller

In this video essay, Tony Zhou turns his eye toward Gone Girl director David Fincher. Why do his movies look so good? Which filmmaking principles are responsible for his unique style? Zhou breaks down the technical motifs of Fincher's work, explaining how a judicious use of close-up, disdain for hand-held footage, and absolute mastery of a camera's movement all contribute to the specific look of his films.

If you enjoyed this, you may want to watch the rest of Zhou's video essays. I recommend you start with his analysis of Edgar Wright's visual comedy, or this collection of the right (and wrong) ways to use text messages on screen.  
Courtesy of Tony Zhou


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A curated showcase of short films selected by The Atlantic

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