
Thief Who Got In Through Doggy Door Caught-On-Camera

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FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) – Ryan Place is known for its charm and historic homes.

The neighborhood is tucked away near the south side of Fort Worth.

On Sunday, around lunchtime, a family in the area said they had an unwelcome guest. Family members explained that while they were at church a thief broke into their home.

Surveillance video shows the burglar at the back door, peaking through the window. Moments later, he walks up to the back door again and this time ducks. The family believes that is when the man crawled through the doggy door.

More video shows the man taking family belongings. At one point, he goes to back door again and is holding a knife that family members say came from within the house.

After going back and forth inside, the man realizes there’s a security camera. The video then shows him snatching that too.

“Probably the same person or people, ” neighbor Rob Dilling surmised “They had been in our house – in our children’s rooms — not good with that.”

Dilling explained that the same thing happened to his family last month. He says his doggy door was boarded up, but the thief took out the screws and went right on in.

“Losing some items is one thing, but your sense of security that someone has come in and broken in… that’s something that we don’t take too lightly,” he said.

The doggy door is gone and security cameras have gone up not just at the Dilling home, but his neighbor’s houses too.

“It’s just way too close to home,” said a resident named Diane. The woman said she didn’t want to give CBS 11 News her last name because she’s too scared “It [burglary] very well could have been us.”

Fort Worth police say the best advice is to make sure your doggy door isn’t big enough tat someone could fit through. Investigators also suggest that residents keep an eye on their neighbors houses.

As it stands, police are still trying to determine if the break-ins are linked to others around the city.

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