If illegal dumping is legitimate your body has ways to try to shut that whole pollution thing down

by TXsharon on October 29, 2012

in Denton, EagleRidge, illegal dumping, Sarcasm

In Texas you can get caught “red-handed” intentionally–as in not at all an accident–and illegally dumping drilling waste into our waterways and get off Scott free. This is not the first time Denton has been dumped on.

In this case, an Eagleridge Operating employee was caught pumping drilling wastewater into a tributary of Hickory Creek. Eagleridge and the Texas Railroad Commission came up with an “agreed order” and Eagleridge paid a fine of $1,875. That probably makes it cheaper to dump waste in the creek illegally than to legally dispose of it.

The Denton DA is letting Eagleridge off because the drilling waste was tested for chlorides–Texas loves to test for chlorides and nothing else. The chloride levels were high in one test and low in another.

Because the chloride levels were acceptable, in this case, the illegal dumping was legitimate illegal dumping. (Look away from the other 750 known fracking chemicals that could have been in the wastewater.)

As long as the chloride levels are acceptable our bodies have ways to protect us from all that other stuff that is in frack water. The chloride levels are what makes  illegal dumping legitimate illegal dumping.

You were not forced to read this il-conceived blog post.

All sarcasm aside: Here is why testing for chlorides only is not enough. And BTW, this is a violation of the Clean Water Act. Maybe someone will notify the EPA.

Human Health Impacts Associated With Chemicals and Pathways of Exposure from the Development of Shale Gas P…

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous October 29, 2012 at 6:21 pm

The RRC likes to call all liquid O&G waste as SAAAAALT WAAAAATER.
They use the lame idea that if there is not much chlorine (sodium chloride) then the waste water could not have come from a O&G source!!! And of course, the RRC never tests for anything except chlorides.


TXsharon October 29, 2012 at 6:26 pm

In this case, they caught the guy dumping so they know he was dumping drilling waste. Still, it’s all okie-dokie.


Jana October 29, 2012 at 7:50 pm

Isn’t Hickory Creek a Lake Lewisville watershed? Drilling waste coming to a water tap near you, all legal of course!


Fracking Crazy October 30, 2012 at 10:20 am

I have seen contamination and illegal dumping sites all over North Texas.

And some I have pictures of.

Mysterious perfect 18 wheeler dead spots in prairie ditches, wet trails where frack water disposal trucks just leave the back open, follow ‘the yellow brick road’ nasty foam, oily residue going into Grapevine, leaking condensation tanks on flood plains….the list goes on and on.

Hi, I’m an idiot and I support America just the way it is right now!

I think, I’m tired of living in a shoe box brought to me by Oil and Big Gas Mafia!


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