Latest News on Exporting Domestic Liquefied Natural Gas

by TXsharon on December 11, 2011

in LNG

Some of the latest news on exporting our so-called “energy independence” and “natural security.” I’ve blogged about several times previously. When they start exporting our fracking shale gas, watch prices skyrocket.

Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP; Application To Export Domestic Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations (pdf)

Jordan Cove gets permit to export

Coos Bay LNG receives preliminary permit for export

Another LNG Deal Inked, Fracking Export Bonanza Continues Lots of information here with a map showing the level of foreign investment in US fracked gas.

You may lease to an American company but end up with your lease controlled by a foreign company. A big firm moves in; landowners face new types of shale leases

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Robert Finne December 11, 2011 at 1:32 pm

Chesapeake sold its Arkansas holdings to BHP/Billiton which is an Australian company. BHP wasn’t in the gas business before that. They had no personnel or equipment for the job of producing it.

So what happened was they just changed the signage on the pickup trucks and the leases. Its all the same personnel doing the same half assed jobs and cutting the same corners.


GhostBlogger December 11, 2011 at 3:14 pm

Lawyers for Ore. attorney general ask federal regulators to revoke permits for LNG plant:–LNG-Plant-Oregon/

“Exportation of domestic natural gas will reduce the supply available to U.S. residential and industrial consumers, likely to result in increasing the domestic price of natural gas, which will have a consequent adverse impact on the regional economy,” said the filing by Janet Prewitt, senior assistant attorney general, on behalf of state Attorney General John Kroger.


TXsharon December 11, 2011 at 6:31 pm

This is great news. Oregon has been fighting a pipeline to carry the gas to the LNG terminal. Fight on Oregon!


Anonomous December 11, 2011 at 3:27 pm

What a terrible idea this export of NG. We pay the pollution penality and suffer. We can’t use our residences for normal enjoyment of the property. The only way to fix this asshole idea is to install a great big ‘ole timy disensentive EXPORT TAX. Tax the gassholes until they squeel like a pig passing a peach seed and then back off one click!


FrackingCrazy December 11, 2011 at 4:28 pm

All the while putting the taxes towards the National Debt.


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