
Journalism in the Public Interest


Robert Faturechi

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Robert Faturechi covers campaign finance.

Before joining ProPublica, he was a reporter at The Los Angeles Times, where his work exposed inmate abuse, cronyism, secret cop cliques and wrongful jailings at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. In 2013, he used an unprecedented cache of confidential personnel records to show the agency knowingly hired dozens of cops with histories of serious misconduct. His stories helped lead to sweeping reforms at the nation’s largest jail system, federal indictments of deputies and the resignation of the sheriff.

Before working at The Times, Faturechi was a reporter at The Sacramento Bee. He grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from UCLA in 2008. He now lives in San Francisco.


A Kansas Group’s Push to Oust Judges Reveals a Gap in Campaign Finance Rules

Judicial retention elections in Kansas have typically been apolitical and uncontested — until Kansans for Justice entered the fray earlier this month. Now state election overseers are grappling with a new kind of dark money.

Mysterious Campaign Appears to be the Latest Salvo in Battle Over Net Neutrality

As the FCC considers how to regulate Internet providers, the telecom industry's stealth campaign for hearts and minds encompasses everything from art installations to LOLcats.

Stanford Promises Not to Use Google Money for Privacy Research

Stanford's Center for Internet and Society has long received funding from Google, but a filing shows the university recently pledged to only use the money for non-privacy research. Academics say such promises are problematic. 

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