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I'm managing director of Strategic Communications for FTI Consulting, based in Houston. Prior to joining FTI in 2012, I had a 33 year career in the oil and gas industry, working public policy issues for a number of companies including Shell, Burlington Resources, El Paso Corp., and Coastal States. I've also led numerous industry-wide efforts to address regulatory and legislative issues at the local, state and federal level. From April 2010 through June 2012, David served as the Texas State Lead for America’s Natural Gas Alliance. I attended Texas A&I University and The University of Texas, earning B.A. in accounting.

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The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Energy 1,180 views

PSEHE: Where Ideology Trumps Reality

Recently a group called Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE) organized a petition urging President Obama to delay, or entirely avoid, the prospect of exporting natural gas to friends and allies around the globe. The way PSEHE tells it, authorizing this activity would increase the use of hydraulic fracturing and thus, the public’s exposure to adverse health effects.

Being a thirty three year veteran of the oil and natural gas industry I found it odd that I hadn’t heard of this organization so I decided to indulge my curiosity by browsing their website. Upon doing so, two things made themselves readily apparent.  PSEHE focuses its efforts exclusively on shale development, and as a recent media account noted, “language on the group’s website suggests an anti-development viewpoint.” With my curiosity piqued, I continued digging.

It turns out PSEHE is funded by the Park Foundation.  The Foundation’s penchant for attacking the natural gas industry was noted by E&E News earlier this year.  In short, Park is behind nearly every anti-natural gas initiative to date. Nestled in the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York,  the foundation has supported projects ranging from Josh Fox’s Gasland to groups like Earth Justice and Earthworks, as well as efforts to “stop unsafe gas drilling” in the Empire State. I kept digging.

PSEHE was founded by Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, a professor at Cornell University, who is a co-author of a widely discredited study on lifecycle methane emissions from oil and gas development emanating from shale development.  The professor’s research has been criticized by agencies of the federal government (DOE/NETL) and multiple peer-reviewed papers, including a recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study coauthored by a lead author of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, who noted the study used “unreasonable” assumptions to arrive at its conclusions. Dr. Ingraffea has also shown an increasing willingness to make statements refuted by experience and independent review. At a June 2012 congressional briefing, Ingraffea claimed that “hundreds if not thousands of cases of water contamination [occur], anywhere shale gas development occurs.”

Further, Ingraffea revealed his real intentions earlier this year during a presentation in Pennsylvania where the professor declared, “How do you decrease methane emissions? You got it, stop unconventional productions of natural gas from shales because unconventional natural gas from shales is the single most prevalent present source of methane emissions.”

But regardless of the clear and apparent bias of the funders and founders of PSEHE, their trepidation regarding LNG exports centers around “health concerns” associated with hydraulic fracturing that have been rebuked by state and federal regulators on countless occasions.

While PSEHE raises “exposure to polluted air, water, and soil” as a reason for delay; a review shows their concern is misplaced. In two of the most heavily drilled states in the U.S., there is no sign natural gas development has caused harmful air pollution. In Pennsylvania for example, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has found that there are no emissions from Marcellus shale activities that reach levels harmful to human health. And in Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has found no connections between oil and gas operations and immediate health concerns. In fact, ozone levels have declined even as production has dramatically increased in the Barnett shale. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, as total gas production in 2009 increased by 94 percent from 2000 levels, the levels of ground level ozone fell by nearly 15 percent.

At the same time, Federal and state regulators have noted time and again that there hasn’t been a single case of hydraulic fracturing contaminating groundwater in over 65 years of its use. This was noted in May 2011 when EPA administrator Lisa Jackson told the U.S. Senate that she wasn’t aware “of any proven case where the fracking process itself affected water.”

This safety of natural gas development in general, and hydraulic fracturing in particular has been noted by three presidential administrations — Clinton, Bush and Obama — all of whom have testified to the safety of natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing. This is further supported by statements made by regulators in more than 16 U.S. states and by countless government and academic studies. Even respected environmental groups like the Environmental Defense Fund have affirmed that state regulatory agencies are well-equipped to manage natural gas development (although the Park Foundation has funded groups who tried to suggest otherwise).

These are all unrefuted facts, and, as President Ronald Reagan famously said, facts are stubborn things.  But ideology is also a stubborn thing, and when a group is as blatantly driven by ideology as are PSEHE and the Park Foundation, factors like facts and reality are just inconvenient obstacles to be ignored.  Sad, but true.

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  • Black Bob Black Bob 1 year ago

    This post is all very interesting in its dissection of the work of a single contributor to PSEHE research and policy initiatives. However, it must be noted that it’s author is of no less ideological rigidity and questionable intention than those he attacks.

    David Blackmon’s long associations with the Koch-funded astroturf groups Consumer Energy Alliance and America’s Natural Gas Alliance and his authoring of legislation that reduces the value of royalty payments for energy extraction on federal, state and tribal lands make him the least reliable critic of information questioning the wisdom of fracking.

  • David Blackmon David Blackmon, Contributor 1 year ago

    For the sake of accuracy, “Black Bob’s” comment is false. Let’s take it point by point:

    – Yes, I have long associations with both ANGA and CEA, and am proud of the work I’ve done with both. ANGA represents producers of natural gas in the U.S. The Koch companies have little interest in natural gas and have never been members or contributed a dime to ANGA. CEA is an alliance of energy producers and energy consumers, with more than 200 members. No Koch-owned entity is among that membership. I would certainly have no problem being associated the Kochs or their companies, but that has not been the case thus far in my career.

    – I’ve never been the author of legislation at any level, state, federal or othwise, so that accusation is also false. I have participated in negotiated rulemaking efforts sponsored by the Department of the Interior in the Clinton Administration, that dealt with valuation of federal and Tribal royalty payments for natural gas. Those efforts involved committees made up of representatives from the oil and gas industry, the Department of the Interior, the Energy Department and Tribal representatives.

    Neither effort had the effect of reducing royalty payments, and in fact, the effort on Tribal royalty valuation resulted in a revised regulation that substantially increased royalty payments for natural gas production from Indian lands.

    That’s reality.

  • Lisa Wright Lisa Wright 1 year ago

    This Forbes commentary includes a section pasted from Steve Everly’s blog on the Energy In Depth industry PR website.

    From EID: http://www.energyindepth.org/setting-the-record-straight-on-lng-exports-health-and-hydraulic-fracturing/

    After all, a review shows that officials in three presidential administrations — Clinton, Bush and Obama — have testified to the safety of natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing. This is supported by statements made by regulators in more than 16 U.S. states and by countless government and academic studies. Even respected environmental groups like the Environmental Defense Fund have affirmed that state regulatory agencies are well-equipped to manage natural gas development (although the Park Foundation has funded groups who tried to suggest otherwise).

    From Mr. Blackmon’s commentary in Forbes:
    This safety of natural gas development in general, and hydraulic fracturing in particular has been noted by three presidential administrations — Clinton, Bush and Obama — all of whom have testified to the safety of natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing. This is further supported by statements made by regulators in more than 16 U.S. states and by countless government and academic studies. Even respected environmental groups like the Environmental Defense Fund have affirmed that state regulatory agencies are well-equipped to manage natural gas development (although the Park Foundation has funded groups who tried to suggest otherwise).