Arlington Is Hellbent on Keeping Armed Libertarians -- and Little Leaguers -- Off Its Streets

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Open Carry Tarrant County, via Facebook
Over the summer, U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor sided with Open Carry Tarrant County's Kory Watkins and struck down as unconstitutional an Arlington city ordinance banning people from distributing literature -- in his case copies of the Constitution -- to passing motorists. According to a brief prepared by the city attorney's office, the fallout was swift and disastrous.

"Within two weeks of Judge O'Connor's ruling on July 14, 2014, the City of Arlington received a request from a little league baseball team seeking permission to solicit donations on Cooper Street in the City of Arlington," the brief says. "The little league team sought to raise money for a little league trip by handing out bottled water on Cooper Street as a method for soliciting donations."

Next thing you know, the Girl Scouts will be wanting to hawk their absurdly delicious cookies from the Interstate 30 shoulder. A chilling prospect on its face, but in case the thinness of the line between gun-toting libertarians passing out Constitutions and Girl Scouts distributing cholesterol-laden desserts didn't sufficiently alarm the Arlington City Council, the city's lawyers provided some gruesome traffic statistics. Over the past four-and-a-half years, 625 pedestrians have been run over in Arlington. Thirty-three of them died.

See also: The Cop Watchers: Chasing (and Sometimes Trolling) Police in the Name of Liberty

It's not clear that any of the deaths involved people handing out literature. The 7-month-old baby killed along Cooper Street in May doesn't appear to have been doing so. But the sheer volume of pedestrian accidents convinced city officials that an ordinance barring pamphleteers from wandering out into the street was desperately needed.

"We've realized there's an epidemic of pedestrian injuries in our country," assistant city attorney Robert Fugate told the council on Wednesday night before it considered a scaled-back version of the ordinance struck down over the summer. "The most recent data shows that Texas is the number one state in the nation for pedestrian deaths. We're ahead of New York, we're ahead of California, we're ahead of Florida."

In an attempt to address Judge O'Connor's First Amendment concerns, the city has tweaked some things. Under the previous ordinance, open-carry activists were barred from handing out Constitutions to anyone inside of a car, period. Under the new ordinance, they are free to do so long as they stay on the sidewalk. The city borrows the new language from League City, Texas, whose ordinance passed muster with the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which decided in 2007 that it was content-neutral and not an unconstitutional infringement on speech.

Watkins, who was uncharacteristically measured in his critique of the council on Wednesday, said the tweaks were a good first step but urged members to "try to make it even a little more better."

"The main role of government is to protect our liberty and freedom," Watkins says. "We're all grown ups, and we can take care of ourselves as far as safety goes."

Fellow open-carrier/cop-watcher Jacob Cordova was more loquacious.
He leaned forward on the dais, the better to have a man-to-man conversation with the council.

So I'm here against the amendment. I can't even understand it, which is definitely government right there. I can't even -- I can read this thing and I'm like 'What did that say?' You know?

"I mean we've been to federal court already the judge said you guys violated our constitutional rights, here we are back again. Do we really want to go back to federal court again? That was kind of embarrassing for the city. The city's kind of under some embarrassing moments with the Arlington police hit and run with no arrests the other day, you know, it's kind of embarrassing with the raid on the organic vegetable garden and the steroid incident right now that the Arlingon PD is under. The city -- it's gotta be embarrassing right now.

"Come on. really? We're just handing out constitutions, you know. The firefighters do it. I was a firefighter in the Air Force, so can I have an exclusion please? I was a military firefighter. I served in Osan, Korea, Aviano, Italy and Talil, Iraq. I was a firefighter, why can't I do it, you know? Hand out constitutions. Can I get an amen?" [Cordova turns and elicits a mousy "Amen" from the back of the auditorium while the council sits stony faced.]

"So I guess it's not the government's job to keep the citizens safe. I don't know where it says that in the Constitution or the oath -- I don't know if you guys took an oath to the Constitution, but I'm an oath-keeper. if you want to check it out. We take an oath to the Constitution. We're the guardians of the republic. Not a democracy -- sorry Mr. Bennett [turns to Councilman Jimmy Bennett]. Yeah, check out the oathkeepers. We take a serious oath to the Constitution.

"I'm in inactive reserve right now, and it's not your guyses job to keep us safe. In fact, there's not enough checks and balances going on right now because here were are once again right after federal court, you know. We know you're going to vote unanimously. We packed this house before. Obviously nobody's coming tonight, but you know what? Uh, it's just getting tiring.

The Arlington City Council approved the new ordinance on a 7-1 vote. Councilman Robert Rivera, who between this and his opposition to red-light cameras is establishing himself as a one-man libertarian caucus, was the lone dissenter.

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TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Hopefully they can make it a little more better.


I would suggest that the Arlington city council members need to read the George Orwell book 1984. We dont want & definetly dont need a BIG BROTHER society to constantly watch out for us & tell us how to live. But since these idiots are usually demorats or worse small town/small minded individuals why should they worry about being constitutional or legal. They got elected for Free Donuts & other perks. As well as finally being able to be a bigger bully than they were before.


I can understand banning little leaguers. They have a proven history of vandalism (like broken windows).


To be fair to Arlington, libertarians and little leaguers are two of the most annoying groups in existence. 


We should not allow armed little league players anywhere! it's bad enough with all the AYSO soccer players carrying. 

holmantx topcommenter

A friend of mine's 14 year old daughter stepped out of the house in a skin tight Brownie uniform as a gag.  She developed at a very young age and was built like a brick shithouse.  She immediately caused three wrecks.

A road repair crew at 150 yards stopped working and just stood there.

windows flew open.

a dog mewled.

just depends upon who is passing out the pamphlet, I suppose.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Over the past four-and-a-half years, 625 pedestrians have been run over in Arlington. Thirty-three of them died.

Arlingtonians are made of pretty tough stuff.

holmantx topcommenter


How do you tie them to Libertarians?

or is that just another voodoo Left wink 'n nod.

like Christians-as-evile-Republicans when Catholics seem to be one of your core constituencies (ha!).

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Although, if TX leads the nation in pedestrian deaths/injuries, maybe we're more 'walkable' than we're being led to believe.

It would seem, however, we're not very good at being pedestrians.

observist topcommenter

438 of them were just grazed by rearview mirrors.


@holmantx I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

observist topcommenter

@RTGolden1 @TheRuddSki  Any "lead the nation" stat that is not expressed as a per-capita rate is stupid.  We'd probably find that Alaska is actually the most dangerous state for pedestrians.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Dunno, I think I accounted for 514 of them when the Yankees were in town.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


438 of them were just grazed by rearview mirrors.

In hindsight, maybe "run over" reflects a poor choice of words.

observist topcommenter

@TheRuddSki  In hindsight, they were hit by rearview mirrors.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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