Fracking through the eyes of a physician.

by TXsharon on November 27, 2011

in health, Uncategorized

Fear and Fracking in Southlake
In one of America’s wealthiest suburbs, an unlikely band of drilling opponents helped drive away the world’s biggest energy companies. Did they save the town or ruin it?
By Brantley Hargrove
published: November 24, 2011

“People think we figured out cigarettes cause cancer because we did a study and said, ‘Oh shit, this causes cancer!’ No, that’s not how we figured it out. Forty years later, when we saw all these people getting lung cancer, that’s when we got the information,” he says. “Do you want to be in the test group or the control group? I want to be in the control group that wasn’t exposed to elevated levels of benzene while gas drilling was going on near my house.

“The reality is it doesn’t make sense to take those risks. We don’t need the gas like that. We don’t need the money like that. I can live without gas, and I can live without gas royalties, but I can’t live without clean air, clean water and my health and my kids’ health.”

~Gordan Aalund

Thank you for smoking.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Don Young November 27, 2011 at 7:49 pm

Nice mention of Sharon and Calvin. You two helped make THE difference in S’lake. Thanks.


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