Wildlife center needs donations to help clean up ExxonMobil’s bitumen mess in Arkansas

by TXsharon on April 1, 2013

in Arkansas, XOM

Well, DUH!

A 65-year-old pipeline ruptured and vomited up a lake of tar sands bitumen death in Arkansas. A 65-year-old pipeline!!! Twenty-something homes have been evacuated and XOM is unsure if the spill can be cleaned up enough for people to go home. Watch the VIDEO and note that the XOM executive will arrive later today. I guess he was busy having Easter with his family and couldn’t get there earlier.

It’s not a surprise that taxpayers will end up paying the bill fo a large part of the cleanup. But The Hawk Center, a wildlife volunteer organization that is cleaning up the ducks, beaver and other animals, is asking for donations to help in that effort.

  • Rubbermaid bins
  • Vinyl gloves
  • Dish washing gloves
  • Surgical gowns
  • Long plastic aprons
  • Surgical masks
  • Safety glasses
  • Hard Kennel cabs – all sizes
  • Clean towels
  • 55 Gallon trash bags
  • Paper towels
  • Heating pads
  • Bottled water for our volunteers
  • Liquid Pepto Bismol

ExxonMobil spent $2 million on a pro-fracking ad campaign. Why in the bloody hell can’t they pay to clean up their messes?



{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Robert Finne April 1, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Thanks for posting this!

A local volunteer I know has been making repeated trips from the area to the HAWK center for 2 days now as the affected water body is prime duck nesting area. They’ve also found some other kritters but the hardest hit has been ducks.


TXsharon April 1, 2013 at 5:03 pm

XOM should take them a bag of cash so they have everything they need to take care of the critters. I read they have to keep the water fowl for 3 weeks or more until the water proofing in their feathers returns. Those critters will never be the same and neither will the next generations.


Tim Ruggiero April 1, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Nothing alive in that area will ever be same. Except XOM. Since they never fully cleaned up their drunken captain’s little mess in Valdez, AK, I seriously doubt they’ll be hurting themselves on this one. I yearn for the day Rex Tillerson declares “I just want my life back!”
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Fish Creek Neighbor April 2, 2013 at 6:51 am

I’ve been following this spill and it deeply saddens me. Man-made disasters are far more devastating than natural ones ~ on so many levels.

Wonder if Arkansas will maintain its image and keep its slogan, “The Natural State” after this oil spill?

One of my Twitter followers sent me this link of aerial footage of the Mayflower oil spill. Notice the commercial preceding it depicting beautiful images of their “Natural State.” Sound familiar?

Fish Creek Neighbor recently posted..Suburban Murals or Plain Brown Wrappers?My Profile


LLatimer April 6, 2013 at 10:55 am

We stopped being the Natural State right before the Fayetteville Shale made it’s debut.

I am concerned about some American White Pelicans that were migrating through Russellville, AR on March 27, 2013. There were about 60. They are endangered, and I cannot stop thinking about them.

Any word?


TXsharon April 7, 2013 at 8:08 am

I’ve not heard anything about the pelicans. If I hear about them, I’ll post it.


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