Karma is working overtime

by TXsharon on May 25, 2012

in ISEO, Range Resources, subpoena

Karma has a tough job keeping up these days. WFAA report

UPDATE: The Bloomberg article also ran in the Star-Telegram.

Weatherford Democrat weighs in.

EPA Nut-Kicking Braggadocio Doesn’t Save Judge in High-Profile Fracking Case From Republican Primary Opponent

To read more about the case, click HERE.

For more about Loftin click HERE and HERE.

To read more about how I got roped into this mess, click HERE.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

What a looser May 25, 2012 at 12:12 pm

Aren’t JUDGES suppose to have good JUDGEment . This JUDGE shows a lack of JUDGEment in regards to DECEPTION. Judge Tray Loftin uses DECEPTION on his campaign flyer, in fact he lied about the support from the Sheriff, and jeopardizes cases before his Court by mentioning them on the flyer.
..But he determines a homeowners own video of methane coming out of the garden hose to be DECEPTIVE.


TXsharon May 25, 2012 at 12:21 pm

And he ignored pertinent court documents when he made his decision that the home video was DECEPTIVE. Those court ignored court documents included but were not limited to the fact that the landowner did not attach the hose to the well, it was attached by the well service people. That came from testimony from Range’s own expert witness.


Anonymous May 27, 2012 at 9:30 am

Just another oil soaked Texas court! Sounds like this judge attended a “deer camp” in Booger County!


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