Ebola in Dallas: What We Know So Far

Categories: Healthcare

Centers for Disease Control
Transmission electron micrograph of the Ebola virus

Live updating of this blog has moved to: Ebola in Dallas: Day 3

September 20: Liberian national Thomas Eric Duncan arrives in Dallas from Monrovia, Liberia via Brussels. Duncan made an intervening stop at Dulles International Airport near Washington D.C..

September 26: Duncan first visits Texas Health Presbyterian. The AP reports that he informed staff he was from Liberia before the hospital sent him home with antibiotics.

September 28: Duncan returns to the hospital with worsening symptoms. Important because he was outside of the hospital for two days while symptomatic. Ebola patients are contagious once symptoms appear. Ambulance 37, the ambulance used to transport Duncan to the hospital is not currently being used, but was used for two days after transporting Duncan. The EMS workers who treated Duncan are currently being "reverse isolated" for 21 days in their homes. As has been stated repeatedly this week, Ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, feces, mucous, semen, sweat or urine, despite apparent confusion at the CDC.

See also: Even the CDC Isn't Totally Sold on its Own Proclamations on How Ebola Is Transmitted

Morning of September 30: Dallas County Health Officials brief the county commissioners about Duncan, who has yet to be identified in the press. Zach Thompson insists risk is low because "this is not Africa." Thompson tells the court that a CDC team is on its way to Dallas in case Duncan tests positive for Ebola.

See also: Ebola Has Landed in Dallas

Afternoon of September 30: Duncan is confirmed to have Ebola by both the CDC and the State of Texas. CDC hold a press conference to reiterate that the risk for Dallas and the United States is exceptionally low. There was "zero" risk to Duncan's fellow plane passengers according to the CDC because he was not symptomatic.

October 1: Texas Governor Rick Perry holds a press conference with DISD superintendent Mike Miles and other officials about the consequences of Duncan's positive test. Five DISD students are reported to have been in Duncan's immediate family circle and are being monitored by the CDC. The kids attend Emmett Conrad High School, Sam Tasby Middle School, Dan Rogers Elementary, and Hotchkiss Elementary and will be kept home for the 21 days, the duration of Ebola's incubation cycle. The schools issue a letter to parents downplaying the risks and describing the extra precautions -- like special cleaning -- being taken. Many parents at Hotchkiss pick their children up early.

It's reported that Duncan was reportedly staying at The Ivy apartments in North Dallas. Our Amy Silverstein reports that the complex is not closed off, but a cop is sitting out front to keep the media off the property.

Amy Silverstein
The Ivy Apartments

See also: Dallas ISD Puts Parents on High Alert for Ebola Symptoms as CDC Monitors Five Students

There is no plan to close the schools because none of the students had yet shown symptoms, but parents can call 972-925-5810 for the latest updates.


October 1, 3:40 p.m.: Unfair Park's Emily Mathis reports that Conrad High School students have been released early. Some of the students were told it's so the building can be decontaminated and cleaned.

October 1, 4:01 p.m.: Amy Silverstein reports from The Ivy that a dad she talked to at the apartment complex says that he plans to stay there tonight despite the rumors, because he has nowhere else to go. The man, who gave his name as John Paul, says he hasn't heard anything from management or public officials, but did see the cop outside the complex.

October 1, 4:20 p.m.: All Ebola updates from the City of Dallas can be found here. The city's Emergency Operations Center is open and is operating at "Level 2: High Readiness."

October 1, 4:31 p.m.: The New York Times reports that Duncan may have contracted Ebola after helping a woman sick with disease on September 15. Duncan is said to have helped her catch a taxi to a hospital after she was unable to get an ambulance, then given her further help after she was turned away from the hospital. He and another man who helped the woman are thought to have become sick around the same time.

October 1, 4:46 p.m.: Multiple media outlets are reporting that Duncan's stop between Brussels and Dallas was Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C.

October 1, 4:51 p.m.: Now that it's been reported that Duncan told hospital staff that he'd come to Dallas from Liberia, the Dallas Morning News'
Tod Robberson has backed off his claim that Duncan might not have been released from the hospital in the first place had he been "educated and American."

October 1, 4:59 p.m.: The CDC will host a Twitter chat on October 2 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to answer any questions you might have about Ebola.

October 1, 5:43 p.m.: Parkland Hospital has announced that it will increase emergency screening for the next six weeks.

October 1, 8:52 p.m.: This, from the mayor's office:

October 2: Morning Links:

Emily Mathis on the atmosphere at Texas Health Presbyterian.

From Vox, "How a Dallas hospital failed to diagnose the Ebola patient" and "The 6 Biggest myths about Ebola."

The Dallas Morning News reports that the State of Texas has confined Duncan's family to their home and forbidden them receiving visitors.

A report from NBC News says that Duncan's nephew, Josephus Weeks, called the CDC about his uncle, which prompted his being appropriately treated.

Here's the DMN's Todd Gillman explaining why the feds aren't restricting travel to the U.S. from West Africa.

Author Alexis Okeowo has an Op-Ed in The New York Times about "Living With the Terror of Ebola."

October 2, 9:21 a.m.:

From WFAA's Jenny Doren:

October 2, 9:56 a.m.: Carrie Williams, a spokeswoman with the Texas Department of State Health Services, has issued the following statement regarding Duncan's potential number of contacts:

"We are working from a list of about 100 potential or possible contacts and will soon have an official contact tracing number that will be lower. Out of an abundance of caution, we're starting with this very wide net, including people who have had even brief encounters with the patient or the patient's home. The number will drop as we focus in on those whose contact may represent a potential risk of infection."

Further October 2 updates can be found here: Ebola in Dallas: Day 3

My Voice Nation Help

Colloidal Silver and Ebola, What you must know! Chuck (Smithfix) Smith, Crowley Texas. Please contact me if you have question, smithfix@hotmail.com.


Why in the world would the US government bring "Ebola" contaminated people into US territory, while placing millions at risk; considering that hospitals and the CDC are not prepared to contain such deadly virus? Or are they? The answer to this bizarre question is that population control" is in effect in order to reduce a large percent of our society. Moreover, any Epidemiologist will tell you that the official protocols of any deadly outbreak viruses is to quarantine infected patients; why then is the US not adhering to such? The effects of this virus is painful bleeding through all of your orifices. We must connect the Dots and notice how the Media & Press refuses to mention the deadly side effects, while they compare it to a common cold virus. Interestingly, the "antidote" of this virus is strictly preserved for the corrupted politicians in Washington DC. Priceless. ..This frightening prediction of events is in my book, El CIRCO DE LOS CAVERNICOLAS. at www.PublicacionesRebeldes.com The Zombie Apocalypse has started, God help us all!!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

I was at Texas Health Presbyterian yesterday, and the media village set up across from the Emergency Room entrance was astounding.  There were all kinds of satellite trucks and vans set up, and it looked like over 50 stations were actively covering the story.  And, while I couldn't see them, I expect a number of print reporters and radio reporters were on hand.

One of the most important weapons in the public health fight against communicable diseases it lots of accurate information about recognition, treatment, and prevention.  So far, what's come from government has been bullshoot, and CYA stuff. 

Bad information, ignorance, political correctness, HIPAA, and incompetence are the impediments toward protecting against, and preventing, Ebola. (HIPAA was passed and signed into law by Clinton, and is just more unnecessary federal meddling and regulation that makes healthcare more expenses.)

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

This was posted on another Dallas Observer thread by a healthcare worker: 

MHSC 3 days ago

"So tired of hearing the it's only spread through bodily fluids line.  It's aerosol and droplet transmitted, the virus is also viable outside the body on surfaces, such as door handles.  Aerosol as in that spray of vomit, diarrhea, flushed toilet, etc.  And how about a list of body fluids, here let me help.

The press needs to either educate themselves or start being honest. "


Who wants to live forever?  No matter what, we pick our poison.  As a species, this might be just that poison.


The kids could do home school 


Has anybody looked into why FEMA has purchased an extreme amount of long term dried foods in gigantic purchases?! This super large procurement was first noticed over two months ago. Don't take my word for it look it up in Fed Biz ops. All federal procurements are posted at this website. Either the Fed's are dumb or.....they know something and are not talking about it. The government will take care of itself first.


I have no difficulty with sober, television news reports, but it seems pretty obvious the local television news outlets are literally going way over the top in histrionic, alarmist, yellow and sensational journalism with this one case of Ebola that happened to occur in Dallas.  Sure, notice the disease is in Dallas is unsettling, but what about the other disease?  The one in which television news outlets just milk the holy crap out of any and every disaster, dramatic and fiery footage preferred. 

I call that "distraction journalism", so-called "news" that distracts viewers, listeners and even readers from even knowing about political and business scandals, crimes and offenses that would, in turn, give everyone a better understanding of what is happening in the halls of power and with the usually hard-to-find powers-that-be. 

The trick seems to go as follows: 1) get viewer stoked-up on adrenaline with dramatic footage and scary stories; 2) then allow the dopamine to flow when the "fuzzy, comfy" commercials come to rescue them so they will buy, buy, buy what advertisers are bound to sell, sell, sell. 

In other words, television journalism, at least in Dallas, is nothing but the carrier of the disease called advertising, and the only way to escape a fatal contraction of the disease is to change channels and watch, say, reruns of Law and Order: SVU.  There, you'll get the same adrenaline rush-cum-dopamine-cushion as all the "delivery" systems are pretty much the same means of this drug abuse. 

I hope Mr. Duncan survives and has a long life. 


Ebola is being managed by the same people who managed the IRS, Obamacare, the Secret Service, and so many of the programs that we trust.


Remember, that the two Americans that were brought to Georgia, contracted the disease while protected with protective suits and safety gear. 


Congratulations Dallas you have just received the first of many blessings of the obama and Congress. Their refusal to stop all travel into and from areas infected with this deadly disease is a threat to the entire America population. They claim they can handle it, BUT if so why are they letting thousands of Africans die from the disease? Is it because they are black or is it really because they have no real idea and thoughts on how to control or prevent it. obama knew that not stopping the travel of people from and to these areas would cause the disease, once contained to Africa alone, to be spread throughout America and then fulfil his strongest desire to punish America for all its success and power. He has said that several times, that America is the cause of all the worlds problems and thus the greatest evil. Wake up before you and your family become victims of obamas stupidity. Contact your Senator/Congressman and demand they stop all travel to and from areas with this disease before it is too late. So far the only way to stop any spread is to fence in an isolate the areas with it, do you want to be fenced in with people with this disease just because you live in the same area? Act now before its too late, call or e-mail your Senator/Congressman now


So Duncan knew he probably had Ebola but instead of being honest he says he came from West Africa? Further, when he had symptoms he knowingly waited a few more days, possibly infecting others before calling 911. The hospital is at fault for letting him go, but this guy is guilty of being dumb and irresponsible.


Thanks to Obama and the Democrats' liberal immigration policies, Ebola-Zaire is now in the US. When will these idiots stop importing vast numbers of poor, sick, bummed-out people just to win elections. 


Each bit of information we get is worse and more importantly, gives the appearance that it was known before and just not approved for release.  Early on, all parties were using HIPPA as an excuse to withhold information.  We are getting information approved by legal departments rather than a doctor's opinion.  Give us the best and worse case scenarios.  Rawlings statements of zero chance of spread can come back and bite him, however he can just fall back on "information I had at the time."

Add to the mix the current CYA and finger pointing and it appears to be complete mess.  We have uncoordinated messages from Presby, the County, the State and the CDC, plus now Rawlings, Miles, Perry and the White House are involved.  Some if the disconnect I'm sure is based on alliances between parties rather than just disorganization.

Our chances of getting the proper level of response with the current parties involved is almost zero.  We will either have a billboard campaign to raise awareness or the Texas National Guard will build a cordon around Five Points.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ebola?src=hash">#ebola</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/startelegram">@startelegram</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/DCHHS">@DCHHS</a> It has now been reported by <a href="https://twitter.com/DCHHS">@dchhs</a> Director Zach Thompson that 12-18 people NOT 80 have been exposed to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ebola?src=hash">#ebola</a></p>— DallasOEM (@DallasOEM) <a href="https://twitter.com/DallasOEM/status/517671102361763841">October 2, 2014</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


If there is anyone out there that thinks they might be infected with the ebola virus because they had some sort of contact with Thomas Duncan, please do everyone in Dallas a big favor and avoid going to Parkland for your care. They have such notoriously bad infectious disease precautions that it seems like germs hops from room to room at the hospital as if the staff were french kissing all their patients. Go to Baylor instead and avoid creating an ebolacaust in Texas.


Now we really are "WORLD CLASS"!!!!!!


For those wondering how he got it by helping a woman get a cab - think about it. Liberia is incredibly hot. Sweat is one of the way you can transmit ebola. The sick person is probably very weak, and he likely physically helped her into a taxi. She sweated on him. End of story.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@paranormalpsy We need to refuse entry to anyone from Liberia or who has transited through Liberia.  If we can't stop the flights, we can damn sure stop the people.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas Don't forget the obamacare mandated electronic records that apparently kept the doctors from getting the most vital piece of information in the nurses' records.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@gordonhilgers I don't think you understand how dangerous Ebola is.  It is often fatal, and for those who do not die, there is a risk of severe debilitation. 

If Mr. Duncan came in contact with well over 100 people, and he did, and if only 25% of those people contract Ebola, and if each of them infects 25 people, the next generation of the contacts would infect almost 400,000 people.  Another generation, and we're talking about more than the population of Dallas. 

One of the problems with the virus is that it mimics Influenza in its early stages, and medical professionals can easily misdiagnose it was the flu.

We have an incompetent Obama political appointment in charge of the CDC, and the Dallas County Health Director is incompetent.  He allowed voluntary quarantine for adults and children in this small apartment, and then seems shocked that they did not comply.  He SHOULD have gotten a court-ordered quarantine that was constantly monitored. 

It is difficult to understate the real dangers of a disease like Ebola in a huge country like ours that is almost totally unfamiliar with the disease - including our medical professionals. 

The media is actually helping by giving accurate information about the disease and its risks, and taking serously how dangerous it is in an urban environment.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@joseph_mclinden The head of the CDC is a politically-connected liberal Democrat.  He took over the CDC in 2009, just weeks after Obama was inaugurated.  He has so changed the CDC politically, that it doesn't resemble its former iterations as one of the most respected health organizations in the world.

Obama seems to screw up everything he touches. How is NASA as a Global Warming PR Agency doing for us?  We can't even get our astronauts into space.  We have to pay our largest geo-political enemy to give them a ride.


@bulldurham48 Are you illiterate? He flew to the U.S. from Belgium. It is simply comical how anything and everything under the sun is blamed on Obama by Fox brainwashed dolts. 



There's much more to it than Obama's immigration policies. There's the incompetence of government officials, regardless of political affiliation, who among many other things, haven't moved to curtail travel. Those concepts are beyond your comprehension, which is limited to blaming Obama. 

Do you think that government bureaucracy will automatically run better with a new president - any president? Oh, wait, I didn't mean to stymie you with the third word in that sentence.



This is a prime chance for the U.S. surgeon general, who officially holds the rank of a vice admiral (three stars, naval-looking uniform) in the Public Health Service, to step up and announce: 
(a) what's known; (b) what's not known; (c) the time of the next news briefing, then take exactly three questions. Exit stage right.

We have an acting SG in this country, and their website currently offers info about the success of a decades-long tobacco cessation program.


@Koobie  I dunno, sounds to me like the old "syphilis from a public toilet seat" story.


Glad we don't live in a place where we sweat outside 6 months of the year.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@dougpark @bulldurham48 This one IS Obama's fault at several levels.  Competent public health people know to check ALL connecting flights into the U.S. from any country with a pandemic like Ebola. 

That simply wasn't done, and Mr. Duncan got through by lying and not being caught by profiling.


@dougpark @bulldurham48

Coming from a dolt that refuses to see how Obama had plenty of time to enforce protective measures to insure something like this would not happen.  And if you can't think of what those measures are, I rest my case: dolt.  Wait, even if you can think of them, more a dolt for defending Obama on this topic.


@wcvemail @sunnil53 Absent the Democrats' liberal immigration policies, there would be no Liberian community in Dallas and hence no Ebola-Zaire. If Ebola-Zaire turns into an epidemic here, the Democrats' liberal immigration policies will be to blame.  


@doublecheese @bvckvs  Agreed, by Unfair Park standards this has been the least racist thread in a very long time. I re-read all the comments again to be sure.  Was it the taxi driver joke?


@titusgroan Maybe, maybe not. But I really wanted to say hi to you because of your name! Mervyn Peake is one of my favorite authors. I have a cat name Prunesquallor. So, hi! 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@bvckvs @Koobie And the common lie from statist stooges is that ebola sweat isn't dangerous.  

You touch the sweat from someone with Ebola.  We don't know if Ebola can be absorbed through the skin, but since the virus can infect skin cells, it probably can.  Even if it can't, if you have that ebola sweat on your hands and you touch your eyes, mouth, nose, or any other mucous membrane, you are now infected.  Start the clock.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @Koobie That's not accurate.  To catch Ebola, all you have to do is touch the fluid with your fingers or mouth (such as a telephone), and you've got it.

There are cases of Ebola where people have come down with Ebola simply by eating something after touching either the patient or surfaces contaminated by the patient.

Even the CDC is being too politically correct, and not putting out accurate information.  It IS, however, putting out inaccurate assurances that Ebola is not dangerous. 

That's a lie on a scale that makes the Nazi regimes propaganda look like a joke book.


@bvckvs @Koobie 'Someone's' sweat, no one even mentioned race in this context, but for you. Sweat, as, in bodily secretions, is universal, not an indication of racism. What a pathetic attempted smear....


@bvckvs @Koobie That must be what all those doctors and medical workers were doing when they got Ebola.  Someone should tell them to stop drinking and injecting bodily fluids.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


For most Dallasites, the average temperature is between 72-76 degrees, year-round.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@ozone702 @dougpark @bulldurham48 Obama's handling of this crisis make Bush's handling of a HUGE crisis seem sheer perfection. 

The CDC and these clowns in Dallas can't seem to deal with ONE communicable disease patient. 

This is humiliating.


@sunnil53 @wcvemail

Wrong again -- it's Obama's immigration policies, not the Democrats'. That party is increasingly divided about those very policies, and many current Dem contenders are trying to hide from those policies. 

And wrong a third time -- "no Liberian community in Dallas" would NOT have prevented a lone, diseased guy from landing here and starting this. 

See how hard this thinking and reading stuff can be?


@dougpark @ozone702 @bulldurham48 

I understand Obama takes a lot of unjust hits that result from his incessant arrogance, but it gets tiring seeing the kookaid fanboys defend him when he clearly has made grave mistakes.


@wcvemail The man was visiting family. If it weren't for Obama and the Democrats' liberal immigration policies, the Liberian family members wouldn't be here (legally or illegally). Is that too hard for you to understand?


@sunnil53 @wcvemail

The Democrats have not passed any legislation that liberalizes immigration, certainly none in the last several years. The Democrats who control the Senate also control passing legislation. Since Obama cannot get a suitable law passed, even with his own party in control of the Senate, he is setting immigration policy by executive direction, not by legislation. 

How do you know those Liberians would not be here at all? Are you saying, and if so this will be news to Republicans, that you are speaking for the Republicans and will disallow ALL immigration? 

No, son, your knee-jerk cliches and general political ignorance won't cut it here. Best return to Craigslist Rants-n-Raves, since it's probably too late to return to any kind of U.S. government class.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @sunnil53 Democrats in Congress and around the country, like Pelosi, support an imperial presidency over constitutional Congressional balance of power and operative as the legislative branch. 

Obama's job is to enforce the laws passed by Congress - not take their place.

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