Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative

The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative brings artistic masters from seven different disciplines together with highly promising young artists for a year of creative collaboration in a one-to-one mentoring relationship.


Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative

The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative is an international philanthropic programme that seeks out young talents and brings them together with artistic masters for a year of creative collaboration. Since its launch in 2002, the Rolex Mentor and Protégé

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The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative is an international philanthropic programme that seeks out young talents and brings them together with artistic masters for a year of creative collaboration. Since its launch in 2002, the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative has given dozens of young artists the opportunity of a lifetime – a year of mentoring with a master in architecture, dance, film, literature, music, theatre or visual arts. Over the past decade, Rolex has created an international artistic community in which both rising and master artists are forging rich professional friendships across generations and borders.

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