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An unmanned space station supply rocket exploded into a fireball seconds after launch from Wallops Island, Virginia Tuesday. 
An unmanned space station supply rocket exploded tonight six seconds after launch from Wallops Island, Virginia. No one was injured at the launch facility but the rocket was totally destroyed.
David Schneider's profile photoTara Rattan's profile photoJ. S. Hansenius's profile photoDrew Thompson's profile photo
We like to privatize stuff? We gotta take the good with the bad, though proponents of privatization love to pretend that there's never any bad.
lost 14% but has a strong portfolio. They'll be back to compete with the  Dragon
The question I keep asking about the private/public role in space is who pays for this?  Me, I'm all for state only space missions but if we are going to allow businesses into space and to dock with our space station then should we first make them bond themselves to a tune that would pay for anything that might go wrong.  It took lots of our money and the money of other citizens of other states to make the ISS a reality.  One hot-shot private rocket company explosion, such as the one we saw in this failed launch, and that effort could be destroyed.  So who pays and can we expect the private company to declare bankruptcy and run from any obligations like they do with say...oil spills or other disasters that they cause?
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