We asked you to send in your embarrassing instant messenger handles from days gone by. Thanks for sharing, Blondsoccerplyr, AgentGiggleChunk and absofsteel3616! iStockphoto hide caption

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The phone company Vonage reported a drop in voice mail retrievals over the past year. Many of those ignoring voice mails are millennials. iStockphoto hide caption

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Phillip Underwood and Michelle Sheridan and their children, Logan and Lilliana, gather in their living room in Frederick, Md., after a long day of work and school. The couple had delayed marriage, in part for financial reasons. James Clark/NPR hide caption

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Millennials are often painted as the entitled, selfie-snapping generation. But many researchers say that "me" time will help young people make better decisions in the long run. © Eugenio Marongiu/iStockphoto hide caption

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Millennials seem to prioritize the environment, but may want to dissociate from the "treehugger" baggage of the term "environmentalist." Getty Images hide caption

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Rapper Lil Jon appears in a new ad for Rock the Vote's 2014 campaign. The organization was founded to get Generation X engaged in politics, and is adapting its tactics to reach millennials. Courtesy of Rock the Vote hide caption

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Fabianie Andre with her 3-year-old daughter, Leilah, at their home in suburban Boston. Andre is one of many millennials who lack a college education. Asma Khalid/WBUR hide caption

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