Guardian Global Development

Ebola outbreak response: a breakdown of the key funding pledges

From UN member states to NGOs, the African Development Bank and the private sector – the numbers revealed

More Ebola funds called for as disease’s spread rapidly outpaces aid

• Ebola outbreak: how can you help?

MDG : Ebola reponse and funding : US aid supplies
Pallets of Ebola supplies await loading at New York’s John F Kennedy airport . Photograph: Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Who has pledged what for the international effort to tackle Ebola?

Donor governments (sources: OCHA financial tracking system, DfID and USAid)

• Australia (GDP $1.53tn)
The Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop, announced on 2 October that the country will provide an additional $9.14m (A$10m; £5.5m) to the international response: “The government has assessed that, at this stage, financial contributions are the best and most efficient way Australia can make a rapid contribution to the global response and support frontline health services in the affected countries.” Australia has committed $9.97m (£6.2m) to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Médecins sans Frontières (MSF). This is in addition to the $1.93m (£1.2m) that Australia has already pledged to UK efforts.

• Brazil (GDP $2.25tn)
Brazil has pledged $450,000 to the WHO and donated five supply kits to Sierra Leone, each of which can protect 500 people from Ebola. A further four have been donated to Guinea, while five are expected to be shipped to Liberia.

• Canada (GDP $1.78tn)
Canada has pledged a total of $35.4m, and is developing experimental vaccines for use in west Africa.

• Chile (GDP $269.87bn)
Chile has donated $100,000 to the UN mission for Ebola emergency response through the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (Unmeer).

• China (GDP $8.23tn)
China has sent more than 170 medical workers and given $4.89m in humanitarian aid. It has also been trialling experimental drugs that could be used to treat Ebola. In September, China dispatched a 59-member laboratory team to Sierra Leone and pledged a further $34m of aid to west African countries and international organisations. China’s ambassador to Ethiopia said Beijing would give up to $4m to both the World Health Organisation and the African Union.

• Colombia (GDP $369.61bn)
Colombia has donated $100,000 to Unmeer.

• Cuba (GDP $68.23bn)
Cuba has pledged to train 165 health professionals and deploy them in Sierra Leone.

• Denmark (GDP $315.16bn)
Denmark has pledged $3.5m to WHO and given $1.77m to the World Food Programme (WFP).

• Estonia (GDP $22.38bn)
Estonia has given $80,600 to the WHO and pledged $40,000 to Unmeer.

• Finland (GDP $247.37bn)
Finland has contributed a total of €2.18m to the Ebola effortand has pledged to contribute a further $12.81m to the UN’s Ebola trust fund.

• France (GDP $2.61tn)
France has pledged up to $89.7m; $44.85m of that sum is direct bilateral aid, while $44.85m will go to multilateral institutions. An Ebola treatment centre is to be set up in rural Guinea. In the long term, the Pasteur Institute, which identified the first occurrence of Ebola in this outbreak, plans to open a centre of expertise for the region based in Conakry.

• Germany (GDP $3.43tn)
Germanyhas given $13.37m to the WHO. It has pledged to contribute to the international airlift and to send a field hospital with 300 beds.

• Ghana (GDP $40.71) Ghana hosts the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (Unmeer) in Accra and has become a regional logistics hub for the Ebola response.

• India (GDP $1.86tn)
India has donated $10m to Unmeer.

• Ireland (GDP $210.37bn)
Ireland has pledged $20.42m to Sierra Leone and Liberia and is examining a further contribution to Unmeer.

• Italy (GDP $2.02tn)
Italy pledged $4.99m (£3.1m) on top of a $556,000 (£345,750) donation to the WHO and $1.51m (£940,000) for bilateral funds.

• Ivory Coast (GDP $24.68bn) Ivory Coast has pledged $1m to the regional response

• Japan (GDP $5.96tn)
Japan has pledged $40m and disbursed a total of $4.17m to the WHO, the WFP and UN agencies fighting the outbreak.

• Kenya (GDP $40.70bn)
Kenya will send $1m to the regional Ebola response.

• Kuwait (GDP $183.24bn)
Kuwait has said it will give $5m to the WHO.

• Malaysia (GDP $305bn)
Malaysia announced last month that it would send 21m rubber gloves to west Africa.

• Namibia (GDP $13.07bn)
Namibia will give $1m to the regional Ebola response.

• Netherlands (GDP $770.07bn)
The Netherlands has given more than $38.43m to MSF, the Red Cross, the UN and Unicef and has said it will make the largest ship in its navy available to the EU and UN.

• New Zealand (GDP $171.28bn)
New Zealand has said it will give $397,000 (NZ$500,000; £246,000) to the WHO.

• Norway (GDP $500.03bn)
Norway has pledged $28m to the UN, the Red Cross and other NGOs.

• Philippines (GDP $250.18bn)
The Philippines had indicated that it might send health workers to west Africa, but it withdrew more than 100 peacekeepers from Liberia over Ebola concerns.

• Romania (GDP $170bn)
Donated $40,000 to Unmeer.

• Singapore (GDP $276.52bn)
Scientists in Singapore are analysing strains of the current Ebola virus against microbes from the 1976 outbreak.

• South Africa (GDP $350.6bn)
The country has deployed a mobile laboratory and sent four staff.

• South Korea (GDP $1.13tn)
Further financial support is being considered and possibly provision of equipment.

• Sweden (GDP $523.94bn)
Sweden has sent $32.9m (pdf) to the WHO, Unicef, WFP, MSF, Save the Children, the Swedish Red Cross, Oxfam, and other NGOs.

• Switzerland (GDP $631.17bn)
Switzerland has pledged $6.9m to WFP, MSF and IFRC

• Timor-Leste (GDP $1.29bn)
Timor-Leste has said it will send $1m to west Africa’s regional response effort.

• UK (GDP $2.48tn)
The UK has unveiled a $201.25m (£125m) action plan to treat Ebola victims in west Africa, and aims to provide 700 treatment beds. More than 650 NHS staff have signed up to volunteer at a hospital in Sierra Leone, according to the Department of Health. The Ministry of Defence has pledged to send 750 troops, one medical ship, and three helicopters to help coordinate the response effort.

• US (GDP $16.24tn)
The US has committed $350m with the department of defence prepared to spend more than $1bn to control the outbreak. The US military has said it would deploy up to 4,000 troops to the region. It is sending 200,000 items of equipment, running a training centre in Liberia, and a staffing hospital for health workers.

Multilateral organisations

• African Development Bank
A further $152.80m (£94.9m) package of grants and loans was approved on 1 October, of which $49.96 (£31m) will go to Sierra Leone.

• EU
The European commission is to give $179.41m (€140m) of funding for Ebola-affected countries, $48.69m (€38m) of which is aimed at boosting health systems.

• World Bank
The World Bank is “mobilising a $400m financing package for the countries hardest hit by the crisis”.

In September, the IMF sent $130m in emergency financial assistance to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to ease financial problems created by the outbreak.

NGOs and foundations

• Comic Relief
Announced new funding of £1m at the conference.

• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The foundation has pledged $50m to UN agencies and the WHO.

• Médecins du Monde
Announced £2.75m for a regional programme including training, community mobilisation and strengthening health systems.

• Oxfam
Oxfam is tripling its existing Ebola programme in Liberia and Sierra Leone – to £22m and helping 4 million people in both countries. It will be constructing and rehabilitating water supply for treatment centres, providing bleach and materials such as personal protection equipment, running mass media public health information campaigns, and providing training and support for community health workers.

• Save the Children
Has launched a $70.84m (£44m) appeal, with $40.25m (£25m) for Sierra Leone.

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (Ciff)
Pledged $19.97m (£12.4m) at the DfID conference: $12.48m (£7.75m) of which was new and $14.94m (£9.3m) of which is for Sierra Leone. Ciff has already disbursed $7.5m from its overall $20m commitment: $2m to support MSF’s work on the ground, $3m to the Red Cross, and $2.5m to support Unicef in Sierra Leone.

• Ikea Foundation
Pledged $6.58m towards MSF’s efforts to treat Ebola victims.

• Open Society Foundation
Will give $4m to Last Mile Health and Partners In Health.

• Paul G Allen Family Foundation
Pledged $18.4m to deliver medical supplies and fund emergency relief operations.

• William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Will give $5m to fund boost media awareness of preventative measures and to build new treatment centres.

• Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr Priscilla Chan, are donating $25m which will go to the CDC Foundation, a private, non-profit organisation securing donations to help the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Private sector

• GlaxoSmithKline
Further support of about $482,000 (£300,000) for Save the Children in addition to previous contributions ($209,000 or £130,000 cash and $805,000 or £500,000 in-kind donations) as well as restating their accelerated efforts on an Ebola vaccine.

• Ebola Private Sector Mobilisation Group (EPSMG)
The EPSMG, a coalition of 39 private-sector companies operating in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, announced support and continued trade and investment in affected countries.

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