Items Tagged with 'oil/gas'


$126B in Colorado Oil, Gas Economic Benefits Outlined in Study

Economic benefits from Colorado's upstream and midstream oil and natural gas industry totaled $126 billion between 2008 and 2012, according to a study highlighted Thursday by the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business. Read More

Bakken Growth Steady, Aimed at Four Counties, North Dakota Official Says

There will be no big decline in North Dakota oil and natural gas production over the next two years, the state's chief oil/gas regulatory told an association of the state's county energy officials on Thursday. Major production will remain concentrated in four counties: Dunn, McKenzie, Mountrail and Williams. Read More

Colorado's Local Control Task Force Slow to Form

A governor's task force proposed as an 11th-hour compromise to avoid a ballot proposition fight over the issue of local control of oil/natural gas drilling, particularly hydraulic fracturing (fracking), has yet to get off the ground since Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced plans for it early this month. Read More

Wildfire Threatens Oil, Gas Wells in Northwest Colorado

Colorado firefighters Monday afternoon continued to battle a wildfire in the far northwest corner of the state, seeking to keep surrounding ranches and oil and natural production wells out of harm’s way. No cause for the fire has been determined, and industry sources had no information on possible impact on oil/gas operations in the area. Read More

Colorado Court Rejects Longmont Drilling Ban

As a backdrop to a larger drama that appears headed toward a statewide electoral stage, a Boulder County District Court judge on Thursday rejected a ban on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) by the city of Longmont, CO, but allowed the ban to stay in place while the city considers an appeal. Read More

North Dakota Sets New Disposal Well Permit Requirements

New permit requirements are set for oil, natural gas and saltwater disposal wells in North Dakota's Williston Basin, the Oil/Gas Division in the state Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) said on Wednesday. They are effective June 1. Read More

Two State Studies Tout Oil/Gas Economic Benefits

Separate academic studies in California and Colorado emerged Tuesday supporting the macroeconomic benefits of oil and natural gas development and warning against bans on hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Read More

Fracking Not Focus of Drilling Complaints in Several Western States

Although the layman's common perception is that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is environmentally harmful, threatening water supplies around the nation, at least three states with robust fossil fuel production -- Colorado, North Dakota and Wyoming -- don't have much data to support the perceptions. Read More

Oil/Gas Driving Colorado Economy, Researchers Find

 While permitting has decreased statewide, oil/gas production and its economic impact continue to grow. Read More