The pros and cons of bootstrapping

When you start a business, there are many financing options to consider — friends and family, small business loans, angel investment, VCs — but there is no textbook solution for getting a new business off the ground.

How to engage students outside of their academic bubble

Last night, I made it out to Addison for the NTx Apps Challenge award ceremony hosted at the Addison TreeHouse. It was incredible seeing the projects that were being worked on over the past few months and what each team came up with in each category. Of course, being a Dentonite and UNT alumni, I was incredibly happy to see that 3 out of the 5 winning teams hailed from Denton. It was an incredible event and I couldn’t have been prouder. As I was walking around, Nancy Hong from the UNT ...

Entrepreneur Driven Meetup, 1 Million Cups, Comes to Dallas

Dallas has seen an abundance of new startup and tech meetups pop up over the past few months, ranging from CoFoundersLab to Dallas New Tech Showcase, and now 1 Million Cups is joining the scene. 1 Million Cups is a great meetup that engages entrepreneurs and startups with the community. Every week, two entrepreneurs and startups get to present their business to a mix of mentors, advisors, and other entrepreneurs that give feedback in return. It’s a great way for these entrepreneurs to receive ...

How to fund your gaming startup on Kickstarter with Steven Russell of Rite Publishing

I had the chance to go up to the University of North Texas in Denton and sit in on a seminar over how to fund your gaming startup on Kickstarter. It was actually really interesting and I learned a lot of common pitfalls and misconceptions when starting a Kickstarter. Steven Russell is the CEO of Rite Publishing a micro press PDF publishing company that has produced over 150 products. Steven himself has more passions and interests than just what he does for his company. He's also a writer who ...

New Dallas Coworking Space: The Grove

I had the chance to attend the grand opening of The Grove, which is a new coworking space located right in downtown Dallas next to the 6th Floor Museum. They feature space and resources for entrepreneurs, freelancers, or consultants of any kind to help grow their business. If you need little creative mindset and just want to be around inspiring people, go hang out in their open coworking area and make some new friends. They offer an abundance of resources and office space, including 3 offices ...

Starting Fresh on

I've been moving my blog around for about the past 2 years because I could never find a platform that I just really enjoyed. I tried Wordpress, Drupal, Tumblr, and even Jekyll/Octopress, but I was just never very happy with any of them. So the search continued. For the record, I write a lot... kind of. I grew up not really liking my english or history classes (though my teachers were really fascinating), I was more of a math & science nerd. I hated writing essays, but it turned out that even ...

Denton Creative Mixer - Building startup communities from the inside out

This post was originally posted on my Tumblr on May 14th, 2013 Last night I went to Oak Street Draft House where I had the chance to join a group of over 150 of the most creative and talented individuals in the city of Denton. This was an event put on by Heather Gregory and Tristan Bynum of the forthcoming Maker Space Denton that gave the crowd a chance to hear the success stories of local startups and some tips they’ve learned along the way. This was a great event that brought a lot of ...