Police: Drunken man urinated, smashed bottles in alley

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Authorities charged a man with indecent exposure, propulsion of missiles onto a roadway, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness on Saturday in Nanticoke.

The first report that Nanticoke police received said that an intoxicated man was cursing and yelling on Orchard Street. By the time the officers arrived to the scene, there was no one in the general vicinity that matched the description, according to the affidavit.

Nanticoke police received a second report that the man, John Branwell Chapman, was allegedly seen urinating and smashing bottles in an alley at the rear of Orchard Street, as well as attempting to start a fight with a couple on the street, police said.

Officers said when they reported to the scene, they found Chapman so intoxicated he could hardly stand.

Chapman was taken into custody and transported to Nanticoke police headquarters for processing. The preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 12 before Magisterial District Judge Donald L. Whittaker.

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