City Council Preview – Sept 18, 2012

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Today’s meeting begins with a Work Session at 3pm followed by a Regular Session at 6:30pm, both at the Main City Hall on E. McKinney Street. Click here to see a full agenda with backup material for today’s meeting.  Here are some things we will be discussing today…

I alluded to this in last week’s preview – we will be discussing the make-up of a committee designed to help us look into options and possibilities regarding a new smoking ordinance in Denton.  The health issues regarding this topic are obvious, but good questions remain about the impact on certain businesses.  Our goal is to get all perspectives at the table to vet a possible ordinance and look at various options.

We will also be looking at the possible make-up of a citizen body to help guide the important work on our Denton Plan. If you haven’t yet checked out the website for this, please go here.  This plan helps us look at the direction of our city for the next 20+ years.

We will be talking at length about the possibility of Combined Heat and Power facility in the industrial area of Denton. This holds out a great amount of potential for targeted economic development whereby we can attract substantial industries and substantial jobs to Denton.  I discussed this issue at length in one of my previews from February – if you care to read more, check that out.

We will be reviewing a contract and giving direction on the placement for Electric Vehicle charging stations in Denton.  This is just another example of how Denton is leading the nation in sustainability practices and initiatives.  Along those lines, to you get the chance to see our city featured in Mother Earth News?

During my time on the Historic Landmark Commission, I realized that we lacked a clear mechanism whereby we could communicate ideas or pose policy questions to the City Council.  With the incredible talent and expertise we have among our many boards and commissions, I’ve thought that we were missing out on some great ideas and potential for collaboration. After some concerns with other boards, I suggested we create a clear mechanism by which these boards could both pose questions and express concerns with council as well as an encouragement for them to provide annual updates on their progress and initiatives.  We’ll be approving the language behind such a mechanism during our consent agenda vote today.

You can check out the agenda to see a list of these. A few of them revolve around the UNT property where the old Radisson used to sit.  The proposal on the table seeks to zone the land so as to allow for the existence of a conference center, hotel, and restaurant.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 940.206.5239.

  1. JT Mallon says:

    I’ve always viewed a smoking ban as an unfortunate inevitability, but if establishments are grandfathered in, I think that would be best. One of my favorite things about Denton is being able to enjoy a cigarette and a beer without being at the mercy of the elements.

  2. Devin says:

    No mention of DME requesting the authority to put liens on delinquent non-homestead properties? This poses some interesting questions from both sides, the spectre of DME being able to seize property of those in arrears vs scofflaws that owe the city tens of $1,000′s in utilities with us, the responsible citizens of Denton footing their bill…

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