There’s a Fiery Secret in Texas

by TXsharon on July 12, 2013

in EPA, Parker County, Range Resources, Water

EPA backed down from protecting families with water contaminated by fracking in Texas

Demand to know why: ask the Inspector General to release his report

lipskyhoseDear Readers,

Back in 2010 the Lispsky family discovered they could light their water on fire, just after fracking began near their backyard.

Unfortunately, that symptom of contamination is all too common in gasland, but this time the EPA issued a rare emergency order, declaring that the Lipsky family was in immediate danger.

All signs pointed to fracking as the culprit, but just a year after scientific testing, EPA dropped the investigation.

We now have new information showing that the Lipskys are not the only family whose water became flammable shortly after fracking. But the EPA has been suspiciously quiet on the issue.

So, we’re calling on the Inspector General to release his report on what happened to the EPA’s investigation.

TAKE ACTION: Ask the Inspector General to release his report so we can see why EPA abandoned a scientific investigation of water contamination from fracking.

Help uncover another dirty secret of the fracking industry.

Thank you!

Sharon Wilson, Gulf Region Organizer.


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