Daily GPI

Industry Brief

September 17, 2014
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The Texas Natural Gas Summit to connect job-seekers with representatives of more than 60 energy-related companies across Texas, is being coordinated by Railroad Commission of Texas Commissioner David Porter. The summit on Oct. 23 at the Palmer Events Center in Austin is free and open to the public. Information is available at www.rrc.state.tx.us under the search term "summit." Jobs may be available for welders; accountants and finance professionals; drilling, petroleum, reservoir, production, mechanical, pipeline and process engineers; mechanics; truck drivers; sales and marketing professionals; construction workers, rig hands and field service technicians. "The jobs featured at the summit are crucial," Porter said. "The industry expects both domestic and export markets to grow, which will likely maintain demand for workers down the road for some time. This year gave us unprecedented growth in the number of natural gas vehicles, fuel sales, fueling stations and jobs created. I look forward to building on this record in 2015 and beyond."

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