Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter Appointed to Serve as Official Representative of Texas to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission


AUSTIN - Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter announced today that Governor Rick Perry appointed him to serve as the Official Representative of Texas to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC).

The IOGCC is a multi-state government agency that works to ensure our nation's oil and natural gas resources are conserved and maximized while protecting health, safety and the environment. It was formed over 70 years ago when several states joined together to resolve common issues in the industry without federal intervention.

“It is an honor to serve as the Official Representative for our state, and I would like to thank Governor Perry for this appointment,” Commissioner Porter said. “Texas is the nation’s top energy producer and, like the IOGCC, is known globally for its leading role in energy policy. I will continue to work closely with other states to keep the federal government at bay and maintain responsible development of our nation’s abundant natural resources.”

As the Official Representative for Texas, Commissioner Porter will serve as host for IOGCC’s 2012 Annual Meeting October 29 through October 31 in San Antonio. The meeting will serve as a forum for dialogue between state officials who are helping shape the future of oil and natural gas exploration and production.

Porter’s on-going responsibilities as Representative include serving as spokesman for the group in Texas, meeting with the Governor to discuss current issues, authoring/sponsoring IOGCC resolutions, voting during business session, participating in committees and regularly attending meetings.

Porter’s appointment to the IOGCC is effective immediately and shall remain in force until otherwise directed.


David J. Porter was elected to the Texas Railroad Commission on November 2, 2010. A Certified Public Accountant and successful small business owner, Commissioner Porter has worked with oil and gas producers for nearly three decades providing strategic financial advice and tax counsel. He has a long record of pro-business, free market, conservative credentials.