Items Tagged with 'trans'


In Canada, Local Jurisdictions No Match for Federal Pipeline Plans

Eco-warriors among civic politicians across Canada were sent a reminder Thursday that their weapons are limited: They have no power to block pipeline construction. Read More

Trans Energy Admits Clean Water Act Violations; Incidents Will Cost Millions

Less than a month after federal regulators levied a $3 million fine against Trans Energy Inc. for illegally dumping materials into streams and wetlands in West Virginia, the company pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court on Wednesday to three counts of violating the Clean Water Act (CWA). Read More

U.S. EPA Restricted to Written Testimony in NEB Trans Mountain Case

The top U.S. environmental watchdog has won the right to observe and bark -- but not bite -- in the next contested Canadian pipeline approval case. Read More

U.S. EPA Seeks to Intervene in Canadian Pipeline Proceeding

The chief eco-watchdog of the United States has set out to jump north across the border and bark in Canada. Read More