Lone Star Reports

Over the past year, the Lone Star Project has researched and documented one case after another of Greg Abbott and other GOP officials using their public office to take care of friends, donors and political allies – all at the expense of Texas families.

Abbott, Hawk and other TX GOP officials condone racist comments

It's been nearly 48 hours since the Dallas Morning News exposed racist comments made by Dallas County Judge GOP nominee Ron Natinsky. Natinsky said that African American voters in a Dallas congressional district would be better served if they "spend their food stamp money" instead of voting. From Republican gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott to Dallas County district attorney GOP nominee Susan Hawk, not a single Republican official has denounced Natinsky’s comments.

Joint appearance signals Abbott approval

Greg Abbott appeared today in Frisco, Texas at a campaign event with Ken Paxton, the Republican nominee for Attorney General who has admitted to felony violations of state security laws. The joint appearance can be fairly seen as him acknowledging and condoning Ken Paxton’s breaking our Texas security laws.

Why did Dallas Republican DA candidate help free a dangerous criminal . . . and then alter court records?
Susan Hawk has a secret, and she’s not letting Dallas County voters in on it.


Recent Reports

Over the past year, the Lone Star Project has researched and documented one case after another of Greg Abbott and other GOP officials using their public office to take care of friends, donors and political allies – all at the expense of Texas families.

Abbott, Hawk and other TX GOP officials condone racist comments

It's been nearly 48 hours since the Dallas Morning News exposed racist comments made by Dallas County Judge GOP nominee Ron Natinsky. Natinsky said that African American voters in a Dallas congressional district would be better served if they "spend their food stamp money" instead of voting. From Republican gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott to Dallas County district attorney GOP nominee Susan Hawk, not a single Republican official has denounced Natinsky’s comments.

Joint appearance signals Abbott approval

Greg Abbott appeared today in Frisco, Texas at a campaign event with Ken Paxton, the Republican nominee for Attorney General who has admitted to felony violations of state security laws. The joint appearance can be fairly seen as him acknowledging and condoning Ken Paxton’s breaking our Texas security laws.
