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  • The Stigma of Welfare in White Working Class America (1/2)
    TRNN Special Report: In the town of Westminster, Maryland, some residents view public assistance as system with pervasive fraud and abuse

    Ebola: A Disease of Extraordinary Poverty
    Public health expert Allyson Pollock explains how poverty, sanitation and infrastructure contribute to Ebola's death toll in West Africa

    What's Behind the Defeat of the Left in Toronto?
    Professor Leo Panitch discusses the appeal of Toronto's conservative mayor-elect and the failure of the left to galvanize the working class

    A Third Intifada on the Horizon?
    Journalist Max Blumenthal discusses the situation in Jerusalem and the reconstruction plans for Gaza

    After Re-election, Rousseff Faces A Conservative Congress in Brazil
    Michael Fox of teleSUR says Dilma's campaign was won by building on Lula's legacy of social inclusion and supporting political reform

    Nuclear Agreement with Iran May Become Midterm Election Fodder in Congress
    Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to the secretary of state Colin Powell, says there are three different groups of Republicans that would like to see the Iran nuclear deal fail.

    Hedges & Wolin (4/8) - Can Capitalism & Democracy Coexist?
    Journalist Chris Hedges and political philosopher Sheldon Wolin discuss the concept of "inverted totalitarianism" and its relevance for understanding contemporary politics

    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: An Indigenous People's History of the United States (3/3)
    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States, discusses the racism of some of America's storied poets and scholars

    The Financialization of Life (5/6)
    Costas Lapavitsas speaks to an audience at The Real News about how finance controls the global economy

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    Growing Rift Between US & Turkey Over Arming Kurds
    Baris Karaagac: Ankara remains opposed assisting to PKK-linked Kurdish rebels, whom they consider a terrorist organization

    Is Financial Fraud Too Complex to Prosecute?
    The Department of Justice is using an illegitimate excuse to explain why it has not prosecuted any senior bankers, says Bill Black, former bank regulator and current Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: An Indigenous People's History of the United States (2/3)
    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of "An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States," explores the colonial roots and the foundational myths of the United States

    Policing Isn't a Solution for Youth in Baltimore
    Bart Lubow, senior advisor at the Annie E. Casey Foundation talks policy changes for youth in Baltimore

    Jerusalem and the Fate of Palestinians
    Israeli activist Jeff Halper says the recent tension and violence in Jerusalem is a product of defeated Palestinian political resistance and Israel's policy of Judaization

    Port Authur Texas Residents Sues EPA for Neglect
    Regulations and technology that prevent toxins in the air are long overdue says Hilton Kelley of Community In-power and Development Association

    The Financialization of Life (4/6)
    Costas Lapavitsas speaks to an audience at The Real News about how finance controls the global economy

    Kurdish Fighters Move to Regain Kobani
    The coalition is not what it appears to be - Vice President Biden was right, says Patrick Cockburn the author of The Jihadis Return: Isis and the New Sunni Uprising

    Hedges and Wolin (3/8): Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist?
    Journalist Chris Hedges and political philosopher Sheldon Wolin continue their discussion of the threats faced by democratic institutions

    Reality Asserts Itself see all→

    Culture of the National Security State - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (5/5)
    Dr. Kumar tells Paul Jay that a culture of fear and obedience has developed so we give consent to Cold War policies, to hot wars, to the complete militarization of society
    The Islamophobia of "Homeland" - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (4/5)
    Dr. Kumar tells Paul Jay that Muslim characters on Homeland are either terrorists, sympathizers of terrorists, or "good Muslims" which means pro-US
    Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)
    Dr. Kumar says the roots of Islamophobia are to be found in a conflict between empires and economic interests, not a clash of civilizations
    Fighting the Demonization of Muslims - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (2/5)
    Dr. Kumar says after 9/11, with the ratcheting up of anti-Muslim racism, she decided she had to do something about it
    Islamophobia and a Challenge to Bill Maher - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (1/5)
    Dr. Kumar tells Paul Jay that what Bill Maher said is a perfect example of liberal Islamophobia
    Gaza Under Siege - Eva Bartlett on Reality Asserts Itself (2/2)
    Eva Bartlett talks about her experiences living in Gaza

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