Letters to the editor, Oct. 18

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The Denton Record-Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor pertaining to the Nov. 4 general election. All regular submission rules apply. Letters concerning statewide races and local propositions on the Nov. 4 ballot must be received in this office by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24. None will be published after Friday, Oct. 31.


Convention center questions

Bob Bland writes [DRC, Oct. 4] “Partnerships key for convention center.” Wonderful. Exciting. Terrific.

Let’s all build a shiny new convention center and hotel, needed or not. It will certainly all be built; it will create jobs, and the ribbon-cutting ceremony will be a happy and hopeful occasion.

But where will there be space for parking? How will people at the convention center get downtown to see our beautiful courthouse Square? Certainly not by walking.

And how about the convention space currently being used in the Gateway Center at UNT? What happens to it?

Martin Kemplin,



Real Americans realize

Even with the growing threat of Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS, cartel violence and now Ebola allowed to enter Dallas, we still have nitwits crying to keep the country wide open.

You can always depend on the left to lie and deflect for movements and decisions that are destructive toward the American way of life, often creating poppycock arguments as a distraction, as in Elinor Johansen’s letter [DRC, Sept. 19].

Real Americans have been wanting to secure the border for decades; now with the threat of radical Islamic groups, border violence and deadly diseases infecting citizens, it’s way past the time to get immigration under control.

As stated by John Garner, “We have to stop being the world’s policeman and we cannot feed everyone who wants to come here illegally.” If foreign countries encourage their folks to violate our country’s sovereignty, then we should, “forfeit their foreign aid.”

Real Americans realize with our country intentionally open to infectious diseases and violence that Barrack Hussein and like-minded socialists are traitors to the United States of America and its citizens.

“If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” — Abraham Lincoln.

I say, we have a great country and we must do whatever is necessary to protect her.

Let’s start by voting for those who want to secure our country and drill here for our energy.

Eric Mach,



Vote for fracking ban

Denton residents should not be bullied, intimidated or tricked into voting against the fracking ban.

No one is talking about ending drilling. There is no danger of a major impact to our local economy.

There is, however, a real danger of a monetary hit to you, personally.

Your home’s foundation crumbling from low-grade earthquakes and your neighborhood morphing into apathetic rentals due to noise and odors, should frighten you.

The residents of Denton, along with representatives from several areas, set up drilling requirements and regulations to protect our city.

The oil companies ignored those rules, did as they pleased, and had no plan to stop. That’s why and when your neighbors got involved.

Oil companies, and some land owners, have paid for signatures on a bogus petition, been overheard planning voter fraud, and smugly paid for ads citing false information because they think Texans aren’t smart enough to see through the smoke and mirrors.

Prove ’em wrong.

This is Texas; or what she’s become since most of us won’t get out and vote on Election Day. In two decades of GOP domination, most of us have given up.

We know the ones with money will be able to buy up our democracy, keep us from voting, gerrymander and do whatever they want.

It’s time for Texans to stand back up, to take back our town and state. Vote for the fracking ban and against anyone and their party who is trying to silence your voice and keep it from voting.

Nat Moore,



Insult to intelligence

Residents of Denton are regularly encouraged by the businesses of Denton to shop locally. That was a frequent message ever since we moved to Denton in 1963.

A Dallas shopper neither then nor now, I have known many people who were and are.

The Denton Chamber of Commerce, supposedly representing local merchants, recently mailed out very large cards to persuade residents to vote no for the banning of “fracking.”

Demonstrating indifference to the well-being of Denton residents, may alienate many residents to the idea “to shop Denton first.”

If a person living here is concerned about the environment, it is offensive to receive the misleading information from the chamber.

It would be interesting to know who are the individuals behind the “Denton Taxpayers for a Strong Economy,” which has its logo on the mail-outs. Altruistic, it apparently is not.

It appears that the chamber supports the oil/gas industry. The most recent huge cardstock mail-out featured anonymous newspapers with headlines about the benefits to school funding. It would have had more credibility with depicted newspapers identified.

As it is, it was insulting to the recipients’ intelligence. Furthermore, I doubt any reputable newspaper would have such a headline.

Has the DRC looked into the Balcones fault line and the negative results due to fracking?

The chamber does not furnish a hard copy of their membership. For a listing of members of the Denton Chamber of Commerce, enter denton-chamber.org.

T. Thomas,




Among the letters in the paper on a recent day, there was only one that did not support the ban on fracking.

In that letter there is nothing about health issues, nothing about quality of life, nothing about the wasting and contamination of billions of gallons of precious water, nothing about the well-being of citizens.

One can discern only one motivation to continue fracking — greed.

Catherine Dawson,


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