Letters to the editor, Oct. 14

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The Denton Record-Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor pertaining to the Nov. 4 general election. All regular submission rules apply. Letters concerning statewide races and local propositions on the Nov. 4 ballot must be received in this office by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24. None will be published after Friday, Oct. 31.


Act like adults

In order to provide Denton voters with both sides of this controversial fracking issue, a public debate has been scheduled by leaders in the Democratic and Republican parties, set for today at 7 p.m. at the Denton County Elections office located at 701 Kimberly Drive.

As more information is brought to light about the erroneous and misleading information that Frack Free Denton puts out, solid research by Denton Taxpayers for a Strong Economy has revealed scientific facts that disprove FFD’s scare tactics.

But now, the proponents of the ban, who accepted an invitation to participate weeks ago, are waffling on their participation unless they can dictate who will speak against the ban.

FFD has stated that there are only two people who satisfy them as opponents for the debate, and neither is Richard Hayes, a Denton native and community leader who happens also to be a lawyer and who will be representing the anti-ban side.

FFD apparently fears that he would be more than they can handle, so they have reneged on their commitment to participate in the debate. However, the event is still on even if it becomes an empty-chair debate.

Clearly FFD prefers to advocate, not educate, and the public is not well served by that position.

Come on, FFD, you are big boys and girls, so how about acting like adults and step up to the challenge issued by Denton Taxpayers for a Strong Economy: Show up or shut up.

Dianne Edmondson,


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