Letters to the editor, Oct. 13

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The Denton Record-Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor pertaining to the Nov. 4 general election. All regular submission rules apply. Letters concerning statewide races and local propositions on the Nov. 4 ballot must be received in this office by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24. None will be published after Friday, Oct. 31.


Read the Bible

My response to the letter from Bob Akers of Denton [DRC, Sept. 29] is simply this: In the Old Testament it clearly states that Israel was to be the home of the Jewish people. Are we not allowed to defend our country and her people?

In addition, if the Zionists “helped” the Nazis during World War II to remove the Jewish people from Germany, it was solely because Hitler did not want the Jews in “his” country or anywhere else.

These Zionists saved many Jewish people from a certain death.

Perhaps you should read the Old Testament (Reading the New Testament wouldn’t hurt either) before voicing any other anti-semantic views.

Faith Whitfield,


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