Letters to the editor, Sept. 27

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Question for Davis

This message concerns Wendy Davis, the Democratic candidate for governor of Texas and her recent promise to represent every Texan. I’d like to ask her if that includes babies in the womb.

Margaret Fletcher,



American ideal

Once, if whites and minorities clashed, whites were always right.

Such thinking, judging people not on their individual actions or “the content of their character” (the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.), but on race, or some other group characteristic such as religion, class or national origin, was attacked in the thought-provoking novel and movie, To Kill a Mockingbird.

The American ideal is “all men [and women] are created equal” before the law. We’re all individuals, with individual strengths and weaknesses, and we aren’t to be prejudged because of groups we’re in.

Sadly, contrary to King’s words, the lesson of To Kill a Mockingbird and the American ideal, modern prejudgers claim that for various reasons, like past injustice, some groups and their individual members must be prejudged guilty, while others must be prejudged innocent.

No, whenever any of us are prejudged guilty — or innocent — because of group membership alone, we’re all diminished as Americans and as human beings.

Rule of law and common human decency demand that we see each of our neighbors as individuals who we may suspect but dare not convict, even in our own minds, until they’re proven guilty on the basis of actual evidence.

To protect ourselves, let’s support the American ideal against all bigoted, un-American prejudgers, whether white, black, brown, red, yellow, leftist, neo-Nazi, radical Islamist or any other group-think totalitarians.

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” (the Rev. King).

Lee Nahrgang,


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