Letters to the editor, Sept. 19

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Lift the lamp

Mr. Mach (DRC, Sept. 7) and Mr. Garner (Aug. 14) have suggested that the U.S. cannot “handle the continual flood of illegals,” demanding all sorts of free goodies, “with infectious diseases, criminals and foreign terrorists flowing in.”

Apparently, some 9 million Syrian refugees have been taken in by Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq (not an ideal safe harbor) and Jordan, which is particularly burdened by the numbers who have streamed in. These are not terribly rich countries.

In the meantime, the United States — Lady with lamp held high in welcome, rich, best, created by the Almighty, etc. — cannot absorb several tens of thousands of mainly woman and children who are fleeing fear and violence in Central American, a violence probably created in large part by the shift in the drug traffic lanes into the U.S. from the Caribbean to Central America.

These refugees have not created the “need” for drugs; we have. And with our brilliant war on drugs have sent the gains to be earned in this traffic higher and higher.

One is so proud.

Elinor Johansen,



Money vs. quality of life

In November, Denton voters will have the option to vote yes or no to fracking. The voter has to ask if money from fracking is more important than the problems fracking creates. There are many valid reasons to vote no to fracking: health issues, noise, ground movement, lowering the water table, etc.

The water table has already dropped tremendously because of the drought, and fracking has contributed to the problem. While some people may not worry about the supply of water right now, they will when it becomes a commodity. Water rates will go up for all voters.

What about those who rely on private water wells? Even city-owned water wells do not have a guaranteed lifetime supply. Wichita Falls already has a program in place to recycle sewer water into drinking water. Denton, unless we vote no to fracking, we may be heading towards these same kinds of measures. Who wants to drink recycled sewer water?

Please think: What good is the money if you don’t have quality of life?

Doris Britt,


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