Letters to the editor, Sept. 14

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No surprise

It came as no surprise that our Denton Chamber of Commerce says “No” to the fracking ban. Gas production makes a lot of money for a few people and institutions. Our chamber values commerce over all other things.

And as a distraction, our chamber calls for more regulation instead. We’ve been trying that for years. The gas industry fought us every step of the way.

Even with more than 270 fracked wells already in the city limits, the producers still want more. They will continue to exploit loopholes in the current regulations to expand drilling and fracking citywide.

Documented health risks are my primary concern. Clearly, more research is needed. But until the hazards are addressed appropriately, as a resident, I support the fracking ban as the only way to get the gas producers to the table.

Misty Gold, Denton


Ban fracking

A recent, peer-reviewed, study has linked birth defects to the presence of fracking within a 10-mile radius of the mother’s home.

This important study, conducted by researchers at the Colorado School of Public Health and Brown University, found “an association between the density and proximity of natural gas wells within a 10-mile radius of maternal residence and prevalence of congenital heart defects” as well as possible links to defects of the brain and spinal cord.

When this new evidence is added to the list of problems already associated with fracking, it would be irresponsible not to ban fracking, not only in Denton but in any populated area.

On Nov. 4 vote “for the proposition” to ban fracking in Denton.

Marshall Smith, Denton

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