Letters to the editor, Sept. 9

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Vote for fracking ban

The gas well fracking industry continually denies that there is any proof that fracking pollutes water wells.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection recently released a report documenting 243 cases of public drinking well contamination over the past six years.

The report documents “methane gas contamination, spills of wastewater and other pollutants, and wells that went dry or were otherwise undrinkable” (www.salon.com/2014/08/29/revealed_the_243_times_fracking_contaminated_drinking_water_in_pennslyvania).

Makes you wonder what’s going on in and around Denton.

Chances are, the water and gas well inspectors from the Texas Railroad Commission and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will continue to do the industry’s bidding.

Common sense tells us we need to vote for the ban on fracking in Denton. The news only gets worse, not better.

Ed Soph,


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