Teaching About Children’s Rights Through the Work of Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi

Credit Adam B. Ellick/The New York Times
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Current Events

Teaching ideas based on New York Times content.

Some people would risk anything, even their lives, to speak up for endangered children. Earlier this month, two of them — 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi, 60, from India — were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for doing just that.

In this lesson, we explore the issue of children’s rights around the world. Teachers can begin with an overview that introduces Ms. Yousafzai and Mr. Satyarthi and their work. Then, students can do further research into global education, child labor, modern-day slavery and related topics.

Warm Up | Start by asking students, based on their own prior knowledge:

  • What rights and protections should children everywhere have?
  • In what ways are children around the world sometimes denied those rights and protections?

Then explain to students that the Nobel Peace Prize is a prestigious international award given to a person or group that promotes world peace. Previous winners include such luminaries as such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa. This year’s prize was awarded to two people who have risked their lives to fight for children’s rights.

Ask students to watch the video “The Making of Malala,” above, and read the article “Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel Peace Prize Caps Decades of Fighting Child Slavery in India” about the latest Nobel Peace Prize winners. (Note: Teachers should make sure the video is appropriate for their students.) For additional background, students can read the statement given by the Nobel Committee. Then, use the following questions to help guide a writing activity or discussion.

Questions for Writing and Discussion

1. How did Ms. Yousafzai become a global spokesperson for girls’ education? What people or events contributed to her growing fame, even before she won her prize?

2. Her work in Pakistan nearly cost Ms. Yousafzai her life. What do you think motivated her to take such risks?

3. How do you think the young girl Malala changed over the course of making the film?

4. What factors or events influenced Mr. Satyarthi to devote his life to fighting child slavery in India?

5. Was Mr. Satyarthi’s relative anonymity an advantage or disadvantage in achieving his goals, and how might the publicity of the Nobel Prize affect his work in the future?

6. What does Mr. Satyarthi’s story have in common with Ms. Yousafzai’s? How are their stories different?

Lesson Ideas

The following teaching ideas can help students explore Ms. Yousafzai’s and Mr. Satyarthi’s work, and the general topic of children’s rights, in greater depth:

Learning About Malala

Malala Yousafzai at the United Nations last year. Ms. Yousafzai, 17, is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Related ArticleCredit Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Just who is Malala Yousafzai and how did she attract the world’s attention?

Watch the video “The Making of Malala” and read this story about the real Ms. Yousafzai. For additional background, watch short video clips on her meeting with President Obama and her views on everything from social media to Islam and marriage. Then consider:

  • How has Ms. Yousafzai grown into the role of being a global spokesperson for girls’ education?
  • What qualities does she possess that make her such an effective leader?
  • Is she a typical teenager who made the best of a difficult situation, or does she have uncommon characteristics that set her apart? Do you see any of these characteristics in yourself or people you know?

Ratifying an International Treaty on Children’s Rights

Do children have a list of rights that are recognized around the world? In 1959 the United Nations issued its Declaration of the Rights of the Child; 30 years later it used many of those ideas to create a formal treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Nearly every country in the world has signed the treaty, with one notable exception: the United States.

Brainstorm your own list of the top five rights you believe should be protected under the law, and compare your list with classmates. Then read the United Nations documents to see whether your list — or the rights that Ms. Yousafzai and Mr. Satyarthi have fought to protect — are covered by the declaration or the treaty. Next, use these sources to investigate why the United States Senate has so far declined to ratify the treaty:

Finally, consider writing a letter to your own United States senators in which you share your views on ratifying the treaty.

Taking Action Against Child Labor and Slavery

PBS “New Heroes” episode on Kailash Satyarthi’s work to end child slavery in India

Watch this video by PBS, in which Kailash Satyarthi and his colleagues go on a secret raid to rescue children who have been working under slave-labor conditions at a quarry in India. List the challenges that they face in not only liberating people who have been enslaved, but helping to give them a better future.

Then research another case of forced child labor or slavery around the world from The New York Times archives or from these three stories:

Another option? Look into the work of the Times Op-Ed columnist Nicholas Kristof, who has covered child sex trafficking in depth, among many other human rights topics. He presents seven of the most unforgettable of those stories in his Inside the Brothels series.

Finally, make a speech, poster, display, website or other public presentation describing the situation and what makes it unique, and brainstorm ways in which you might help to publicize or support efforts to end child labor and slavery.

Fighting for Education

Why do some adults try to block children from receiving equal access to education; discriminate against some children based on their gender, economic status or other factors; or lure kids away from school at a young age to work? What other kinds of challenges do children and families face in getting a high-quality education in different parts of the world?

Read this article by Ms. Yousafzai’s teacher, as well as this commentary on the challenges facing educators in Pakistan. You can also watch this 30-minute video documentary from 2009 that shows the challenges the young Ms. Yousafzai faced on a daily basis.

Then read articles about conditions in at least two different countries from the list below, using the links suggested or others you find on your own. Design a visual of some kind in which you compare and contrast the situations in each place, illustrating the similarities and differences.

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