American Indian protesters rally in Arlington against Redskins name

Tom Fox/Staff Photographer
Yolonda Blue Horse and other protesters rallied outside AT&T Stadium on Monday before the Cowboys-Redskins game, calling for Washington’s team to change its nickname. “This protest has been going on since the 1970s,” Blue Horse said.

ARLINGTON — The two dozen people marching, chanting and holding provocative signs made only a small ripple in the chaotic pregame celebration before Monday night’s Dallas Cowboys-Washington Redskins game.

Still, Juan Mancias, a protest organizer who finds the Redskins’ name offensive, said this was an important piece of a decades-long national fight against the name and mascot. He said the demonstration across from AT&T Stadium personalizes the protest movement and helps counter the handful of prominent American Indians who have backed Washington owner Dan Snyder, who has resisted calls to change the team’s name.

“You bring in two, we’ll double that,” Mancias said, challenging Snyder.

The protesters initially hoped to have as many as 200 people at the intersection of AT&T Way and Randol Mill Road. The actual number was a fraction of that goal but slightly larger than the 15 who lobbied against the “R word” at last year’s Dallas-Washington game.

The reactions varied from the steady stream of Cowboys fans and a small but visible number of Washington fans.

Some motorists honked in support. Others silently took fliers explaining the protesters’ opposition to the word.

A young black man — without breaking stride — raised his right fist in a move reminiscent of the famous black power salute from the 1968 Summer Olympics. At least two signs made this claim: “The R-Word = The N-Word.”

Morris Biggers, a retired U.S. Marine and Cowboys fan living in Washington, said he agrees with that comparison.

“We support the rights of all people,” said Biggers, who is black. “If it was called the Washington N-Words, we’d blow it up.”

Some Washington fans muttered as they passed the protest. One man held up his team’s jersey and waved it at the protesters.

One Washington fan from New Mexico, Patricia Lente, said she was both an American Indian and supporter of the team.

“Save the name,” she said. “I’m proud of the name.”

Polls show that a vast majority in the U.S. do not believe a name change is warranted.

James King, another Washington fan, said his grandfather was 75 percent Cherokee. He said he personally sees the team as a symbol of pride but understands it’ll probably change one day.

“I can see both sides of this,” said the Austin resident.

Yolonda Blue Horse, one of the organizers, said people mistakenly think this is a recent nod to political correctness.

“This protest has been going on since the 1970s,” she said.

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